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  • 公司名称陕西正捷工程科技有限责任公司
  • 品       牌
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  • 所  在  地西安市
  • 厂商性质代理商
  • 更新时间2022/5/17 10:38:25
  • 访问次数214

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联系我们时请说明是 万喜堂彩票 上看到的信息,谢谢!

陕西正捷工程科技有限责任公司是世界*仪器仪表生产厂家—美国 Dwyer 仪表中国地区的一级代理经销商,我们还是美国 WIKA,FEMA,UE,CCS 压力差压温度流量液位产品 .公司提供近万种有关差压表,差压变送器,差压开关,压力表,压力变送器,压力开关,流量计,流量传感器,流量开关,超声波流量计,风速计,风速变送器,温度、湿度、物位(液位)和阀门等产品, 它们广泛应用于工业自动化、暖通空调、楼宇自控、电厂、石油、化工、水处理,锅炉、压缩机、冷冻制冷设备、食品、医药、轻工业、环保、洁净工程等领域。我们代理多家*工业自动化测控仪表,将*的测控仪表提供给客户,同时我们拥有一支专业的技术队伍,能为客户提供较好的的自动化测控解决方案.公司自成立以来在电力化工行业取得了较好的业绩,赢得了供货商与使用客户的认可,参与了多个新建、扩建、改造项目,拥有国内外多个仪表的总代理、区域代理、一级代理资格。

仲博平台官网 产品信息

仲博平台官网 使用寿命长,运行可靠是205系列的固有特点。 重型焊接碳钢室提供了一个操作高达1250 psi (86 bar)和工艺温度高达650°F(343°C)、400°F(205°C)的电气头总成控制。 外部磁铁的使用减少了磁粒子在电枢管内积聚的可能性,以及随后的操作损失,因为可能会发生与内部磁铁斥力设计。 结构的选择提供了适用于低比重(0.75)的设备。 电气要求是通过使用密封的快速动作或水银开关在各种行动,包括SPST, SPDT, DPDT和DPST安排。 可选电路可用于低电流/电压直流; 大电流直流; 或高温应用。 检查当前图表中您的应用的开关。 标准工艺连接是组合1“NPT和1”承插焊接轮毂。 可选择法兰连接

C1-75:Minimum specific gravity 0.75. Process pressure 1250 psig (86 bar) @ 100°F (38°C), 650°F (343°C).*

Temperature Limit:Ambient Temperature: 212° F (100°C); Process Temperature: up to 650°F (343°C).

*Heat fins (HF) and/or high temperature switches should be considered for process temperatures above 500°F (260°C).

Switch Type:Snap action or mercury. See charts A and B.

Electrical Rating:See charts A and B.

Wiring Connections:G, WT or E enclosure, terminal block. EV enclosure 18" (460 mm) leads.

Process Connections:Combination 1" NPT/socket weld hubs or flanges. See chart C.

Enclosures:G, painted steel and aluminum; WT, painted steel, aluminum and neoprene; E, aluminum; EV, aluminum and neoprene.

Weight:205, 40 lb (18 kg); 207, 50 lb (22.7 kg); 208, 57 lb (25.8 kg).

Agency Approval:UL.

Suggested Specifications
Liquid level control shall be 205 (207) (208) Series with combination 1" NPT/socket weld hubs (flanged) process connections. Chamber shall be welded suitable for operation at 1250 psig (86 bar) at 100°F (38°C), 650°F (343°C) at a minimum specific gravity of 0.75. Circuits shall be (hermetically sealed) snap action (mercury) switch (SPST) (SPDT), (DPDT). Enclosure shall be general purpose (weatherproof) (explosion-proof) (explosion-proof - vapor-proof). Switch mechanism shall be gravity return and shall be activated by a stainless steel float.

万喜堂app下载网页版 Model Chart

EXAMPLE 205 WT 7810 10 C1 75 205-WT-7810-10-C1-75 Liquid Level Control, welded carbon steel chamber, weatherproof enclosure, SPDT snap switch, fixed deadband, automatic reset, side/bottom process connections, combination 1” NPT/socket weld hubs, minimum specific gravity 0.75, operating pressure 1250 psig (86 bar) at 650ºF (343ºC).
CONNECTION 205 Liquid level control
ENCLOSURE G General purpose, NEMA 1
WT Weatherproof, NEMA 3R, 4, 4X (Not CSA)
E Explosion-proof, NEMA 7, 9, Class I Groups B, C, D, Class II Groups E, F, G (CSA approved Groups C, D, E, F, G only)
EV Explosion-proof, vapor proof, NEMA 7, 9, Class I Groups B, C, D, Class II Groups E, F, G (CSA approved Groups C, D, E, F, G only)
(for electrical circuits,
See charts A & B below)
48XX Single stage, mercury switch, see chart A.
48XX XX Two stage, mercury switch, see chart A.
78XX Single stage, snap switch, see chart B.
78XX XX Two stage, snap switch, see chart B.
78XXHM Hermetically sealed snap switch, see chart B.
98XX Single stage, high capacity DC snap switch, see chart B.
98XX XX Two stage, high capacity DC snap switch, see chart B.
10XX Single stage, high temperature snap switch, see chart B.
10XX XX Two stage, high temperature snap switch, see chart B.
Refer to chart C below for pressure/temperature ratings
C1 Carbon steel body
HFC1 Heat fins carbon steel body
75 0.75 specific gravity
OPTIONS R Manual reset for single stage
R1 Manual reset for lower stage of 2-stage controls
R2 Manual reset for upper stage of 2-stage controls
R3 Manual reset for both stages of 2-stage controls
STW SS tag wired
01 Breather only (E-Housing only)
02 Drain only (E-Housing only)
12 Breather and drain (E-Housing only)
23720 Fungus proofing special 23720
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