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上海 易优 阀门有限公司始建于 1999 年, API 、 DIN 、 JIS 、 ISO 等标准生产制造各种阀门,主要产品有 球阀、蝶阀、截止阀、闸阀、止回阀、柱塞阀、调节阀、过滤器、隔膜阀、旋塞阀、针型阀、排气阀、排泥阀、疏水阀、呼吸阀、阻火器、平衡阀、管夹阀、放料阀 等;并兼营进口阀门(德国罗博特 RBT 、美国富兰克 FRANK 、德国罗博特 RBT 、美国富兰克 FRANK 、英国丹尼斯 DANIS 、日本阀天 VENN 、日本北泽 KITZ 、日本日立 HITACHI 等等)。阀门口径从 DN6-DN2000 ;压力从 1.0MPA-32MPA ;温度 -19 -1000 ;连接形式:螺纹、法兰、焊接、对夹等;材质有:碳钢、不锈钢、合金钢、鉻钼钢、低温钢、球墨铸铁及其他特殊钢;传动方式:手动、蜗轮传动、齿轮传动、气动、电动等; *的品质源于制造工艺的*,为此公司不惜巨资投入,不仅在硬件上保持*设备基础,公司还在不断的吸收技术精英,组成技术科研队,充分利用技术的优势不断开发新产品,新工艺,确保新产品能满足社会不断发展的技术要求,优化产业结构,促进本公司产品的路线优势。 公司秉承“以质量求生存、靠科技求发展”的宗旨,将不断应用新技术、新工艺、新材料,积极开发新产品,为建设现代化阀门企业努力奋斗!竭诚欢迎各界朋友位临指导、洽谈业务,易优愿与您携手共进、共创美好明天!
美国足球串一是什么意思、足球串一是什么意思、进口燃气球阀 Products Perfomance specification
First, use and performance norms Q41-ball valve suitable for medium and small diameter pipes of all kinds of pressure, temperature and media under the control of or access to pipelines cut off the gate dielectric devices; by media pressure to compress the ball valve seat on the export side, the use of Path pressure and subject to certain restrictions. Using 90 ° transmission, the switch to facilitate rapid, rapid can hoist. Second, the operating principle and structure of the note 1, to facilitate the smooth ball-channel pipeline sweeping clean lines, transportation and solid particles such as size medium. 2, the use of PTFE (Teflon), and other materials as a seal, good lubrication and elasticity, friction with the Department of small ball, long service life. 3, the gate quickly and simply hoist spheroid when they turn 90 °, convenient and fast. 4.’s Fluid resistance of small ball, the ball full-time channels, and connecting channels Body cross-sectional area equal to the pipeline and come into line, the ball flowing through media, which is equivalent to flow through a section of pipe in various types of Ball valves in the fluid path of least resistance. 5, equipped with manual, the worm gear drive, pneumatic, electrical (explosion) can achieve long-range automatic control, to meet the user’s request to use a variety of operating conditions. Note: ≥ DN200 valve selection of more than fixed-Ball.
Five, size and shape of the main connection size:(固定球)
VI, parts of the main materials :