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  • 公司名称东莞市艾华仪器设备有限公司
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  • 更新时间2023/4/22 21:30:46
  • 访问次数208

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艾格贝尔技术香港实业公司于2004年设立,棣属于一家合资子公司。2007年于广东创立全资子公司-东莞市艾格电子科技有限公司。艾格得力于总公司全力支持与配合,全面拓展中国大陆市场的客户。自公司创立以来,经过全体员工共同奋斗与不懈努力,凭籍良的品质及专业的技术资源,羸得了相关行业客户的信赖和良好的口碑,籍此赢得了大量的客户合作伙伴。我们愿与您携手一起共同发展,愿成为您信赖的友好合作伙伴。艾格是一家专注于涂料、油墨、塑胶及涂装表面处理与电镀行业,提供业内优秀的涂料化工检测仪器设备;手机电脑产品寿命试验与环境检测设备;口罩自动化生产系列机械设备;提供与电镀行业,特种电解行业磁检测等技术服务与解决方案合作。我们致力于涂料油墨涂装表面处理行业、电镀及电解行业的丰富经验,专注你所关注的技术咨询解答,专业为您提供满意的产品与服务,倍信携手定能满足您的需求。我们的优势:1.为涂料、油漆油墨等化工行业提供实验用高精度检测仪器设备、技术支持与维护服务。2.为塑胶、五金等涂装表面处理行业及真空镀膜行业提供全套的自动喷涂设备技术方案。3.为手机、电脑行业提供环境检验、寿命试验检测仪器设备,金相试验分析实验室整套方案。4.为磁性材料研究及应用领域行业提供磁场高斯计及特殊电解行业定制全套技术解决方案。我们的产品:公司致力于行业里的产品推陈出新面向市场与客户:如电脑周边及通讯手机类产品表面涂层耐磨性能测试、涂层厚度分析、附着力测试、涂层表面硬度测试、表面光泽、色差分析、涂料粘性测试及环境实验设备。如:RCA耐磨试验机、TABER耐磨耗试验机、酒精耐磨试验机、涂镀层测厚仪(膜厚仪)、百格刀、铅笔硬度计、光泽度仪、色差仪、UV能量计、粘度计、张力计、美国贝尔高斯计、硬度计,研磨抛光机、标准光源对色灯箱、色卡等产品;研发生产:盐雾试验机、恒温恒湿试验箱、高低温冷热冲击试验箱等环境实验设备,同时经营实验室工量器具及耗材如:耐磨测试RCA纸带、耐磨橡皮擦条,美国TABER耐磨轮及耐磨橡皮,日本三菱铅笔,T9999358、美国LA-26附着力测试胶带(替代美国P-99胶带)、德国KESA胶带、米其邦胶带、3M胶带、日本三丰系列工量具、推拉力计、转速表、扭力计、照度计等。同时,公司自主研发的广泛应用于通讯及信息电子产品及元器件可靠性测试的寿命试验机系列产品,具体产品线包括:各种拉力、压力、扭曲寿命试验机,手机翻盖试验机、手机滑盖试验机、按键打击寿命试验机,跌落及滚筒跌落试验机,触摸屏划伤试验机;各种特殊寿命试验机设计开发;各种连接器及开关的力量测试仪器;手机软件自动化测试系统,各类测试软件设计与开发,实验室信息管理系统软件设计与开发;多功能测试机柜和屏蔽箱;测试及组装夹具。公司目前主要经销世界业内产品如: 美国NORMAN TOOL公司、美国DeFelsko公司、美国TABER公司、美国EIT公司,日本RION公司,德国ROSLER公司、BYK-Gadner公司、PHYNIX公司、UV-design公司、EPK公司,德国Erichsen公司,德国艾比可(aiBYK)公司产品等等;同时经营中国台湾品牌同类产品,如:RCA纸带耐磨试验机,铅笔硬度计,百格刀等产品;以及国内部份性价比较高的品质稳定的同类产品,因价格适中且*,深受国内用户的青睐,源源不断涌现出推陈出新的产品纷至沓来……请相信我们:专注于本行业之专心,竞争源于专业!忠于诚信,艾格愿成为您信赖的友好合作伙伴。欢迎业内各界新老朋友来人!
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产品简介:As UV spot curing technology has evolved, it has become increasingly important to establish a method of measuring system performance.



·Measures UV irradiance up to 19.99W/cm2(standard range
version) or 99.9W/cm2(extended range version).
·Compact size, portable
·Accepts multiple light guide sizes
·Totally self-contained, battery-powered
·Monitor UV spot curing system performance
·Measure individual UV lamp performance
·Measure light guide degradation
·Optimize light guide positioning
·Determine proper UV irradiance required for curing any
·Meet ISO-9000 requirements
As UV spot curing technology has evolved, it has become increasingly important to establish a method of measuring system performance. The EIT SpotCure UV Intensity Meter is an easy, portable, effective method of quantifying UV output.
The EIT SpotCure UV Intensity Meter is a self-contained, electro-optic instrument designed to measure and display the irradiance emitted by a UV spot curing system. Degradation of UV lamps, light guides, and reflectors can cause decreases in irradiance and create curing problems. The EIT SpotCure UV Intensity meter is designed to provide the operator with instant feedback as to the performance of the spot curing system.
The EIT SpotCure UV Intensity Meter is totally portable, self-contained, and battery-operated using a special lithium battery stick for extremely long life in excess of 100,000 readings! The measurement head which contains the optics is attached to one end of the cylindrical instrument. Light guide adapters which fit into the measurement head are available to fit most light guides. An EIT SpotCure UV Intensity Meter can be configured to read one of the following UV transmission bandwidths: 250-260nm, 280-320nm, 320-390nm, or 395-445nm.
The portable, battery-operated EIT SpotCure UV Intensity Meter is simple to use. Its compact, flashlight-like shape (6.40" long by 1.74" diameter) can comfortably be gripped in one hand.
In operation, the instrument is gripped in one hand while the light guide is inserted with the other hand. Once a spot curing system's light wand is inserted into the measurement head, the "START" switch is depressed and a measurement is taken. When the "START" switch is released, the measurement is frozen and can be viewed on the LCD display. It will be held for approximately 3 minutes until the display times out or until the "START" switch is depressed again. Adaptors insert into the measurement head to accommodate the standard light wands on the market. This flexibility allows the instrument to be used in a variety of monitoring applications.
Short, simple operation instructions are printed on the outside of the instrument. The EIT SpotCure UV Intensity Meter is designed to withstand the rugged UV environment and extremely high intensities which can be associated with UV spot curing. It can monitor UV intensities up to 19.99W/cm2 for the Standard Range Version and 99.9W/cm2 for the Extended Range Version.
Irradiance Range Standard Range Version:
Extended Range Version:
Resolution Standard Range Version:
Extended Range Version:
Accuracy +/-5% typical, +/-10% maximum
Display 3 1/2 digit LCD
Power Source Lithium Battery Stick
Battery Life 12,500 hours continuous operation
(over 100,000 readings)
Overall Dimensions 6.40"Lx1.74"Diameter(16.26cm x 4.42cm);
Measurement Head-2.13"Diameter (5.41cm)
Weight 12.8 oz. (358 grams)
Operating Temperature 0-70°C
Display Time 2.5 to 5 minutes
Spectral Ranges Choose
SP254: 250-260nm (UVC);
SP313: 280-320nm (UVB);
SP365: 320-390nm (UVA);
SP405: 395-445nm (UVV)
Case Materials Aluminum, polyester, quartz
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