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  • 公司名称上海荣计达仪器科技有限公司
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上海荣计达仪器科技有限公司注册地址位于上海市奉贤区肖塘路255弄10号2层,注册机关为奉贤区市场监督管理局,法人代表为王秀锋,经营范围包括从事仪器科技领域内的技术开发、技术咨询、技术服务、技术转让,仪器仪表制造、加工(以上限分支机构经营),仪器仪表、实验室设备、五金交电、机电设备、机械设备、模具的批发、零售,机械设备(除特种设备)、实验室设备、机电设备的安装、维修。 【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】
正规竞猜体育平台 产品信息

铅笔硬度计是检测仪器,涂膜硬度是涂料制造、涂料使用(涂表)行业进行质量认定的必测指标。铅笔划痕法测试涂膜硬度是八十年代以来被国际普遍采用的测试方法。我国也已在涂料的发展研究和工业生产中推广这种测试方法。本仪器是根据 标准“涂膜硬度铅笔测定法”《GB6379----86》第2 3 条手工操作法而设计制造的。仪器即可在实验室使用,也可用也施工现场,并能在任意方向上对涂膜硬度进行检定。

The pencil hardness tester is a testing instrument, and the hardness of the coating film is an indispensable indicator for quality certification in the coatings manufacturing and coatings (painting) industries. The pencil scratch method for testing coating film hardness is a test method generally adopted internationally since the 1980s. China has also promoted this test method in the research and industrial production of coatings. This instrument is designed and manufactured according to the manual method of Article 23 of the standard "Paint Film Hardness Pencil Method" "GB6379 ---- 86". The instrument can be used in the laboratory or at the construction site, and the hardness of the coating film can be verified in any direction.


仪器为机械式,三点接触被测表面(二点为轮,一点为铅芯)始终保证铅笔与被测表面形成45° 夹角,用于推动仪器运动,即可完成测试过程。

Pencil hardness tester structure and working principle:

The instrument is mechanical, and three points contact the tested surface (two points are the wheel and one point is the lead core). Always ensure that the pencil forms a 45 ° angle with the measured surface.

铅笔硬度计 技术参数
★重 量:1.9Kg。
★重 量:1.6Kg。
★重 量:2.4Kg。

Technical parameters of pencil hardness tester:

★ Pen tip load: 750 ± 5g.

★ Pencil specifications: 6B ~ HB ~ 6H (13 pieces).

★ Weight: 1.9Kg.

★ Dimensions: 120 × 75 × 60mm (length × width × height).

★ Pen tip load: 500 ± 5g.

★ Pencil specifications: 6B ~ HB ~ 6H (13 pieces).

★ Weight: 1.6Kg.

★ Dimensions: 90 × 75 × 60mm (length × width × height).

★ Pen tip load: 1000 ± 5g.

★ Pencil specifications: 6B ~ HB ~ 6H (13 pieces).

★ Weight: 2.4Kg.

★ Dimensions: 130 × 75 × 60mm (length × width × height).





Pencil hardness tester weight

★ The hardness of the pen tip load is 500g, the weight before packing is 2kg. Plus foam paper skin and other packaging should be 2.5kg weight.

★ The hardness of the pen tip is 750g, and the weight is 2.4kg before packaging. Plus foam paper skin and other packaging should be 3kg weight.

★ The hardness tester with a tip load of 1000g is 2.5kg before packing. Plus foam paper skin and other packaging should be 3kg weight.

铅笔硬度计操作 规程
★把削好的铅笔插入铅笔架上。调整铅笔,使铅笔芯工作端面与砝码 重合(相应铅芯工作端面与铅笔架约25mm),然后用螺钉拧紧,使铅笔位置固定。
B 测试
★从a硬的铅笔开始用此方法,当鉴定五道痕迹中,若有两次或两次以上犁伤膜时,换上一级的铅笔,直到找出五道痕迹中,只有一次犁伤涂膜的铅笔(或没有破坏)。则这一级铅笔的硬度值 代表被测涂膜的硬度。

Pencil hardness tester operating procedures:

A ready

★ Prepare 120 * 50 * (0.2-0.3) smooth tinplate according to the requirements of GB1727 or the substrate specified by the product to prepare the coating film.

★ Use a pencil sharpener to shave the wooden part of the front end of each pencil to expose a 5-6mm columnar refill (note that the lead cannot be loosened or damage the lead). Hold the pencil with your hand so that the pencil is always at a 90 ° angle with 400-size sandpaper , Rub the end surface of the lead on the sandpaper until you get a smooth pen with a sharp edge at one end (the edge should be free of cracks or nicks)

★ Insert the sharpened pencil into the pencil holder. Adjust the pencil so that the working surface of the pencil lead coincides with the weight center (the corresponding working surface of the lead lead is about 25mm from the pencil holder), and then tighten with a screw to fix the pencil position.

★ Loosen the clamping nut, put the coating film test piece to be measured, and then tighten the nut to fix the test piece.

★ Loosen the stop screw, adjust the balance weight to balance the work rod (even if the pencil just touches the test piece), and then tighten the stop screw so that the working surface of the pencil lead leaves the test film.

★ Put the weight lightly on the pencil holder.

B test

★ Loosen the stop screw, and lower the pencil lead onto the test film of the test film.

★ Turn the handwheel to move the coating film about 5mm in the direction of the scratch (turn the handwheel clockwise), and pay attention to observe whether the surface is scratched.

★ Remove the weight, replace the pencil, rotate the test bench to make the test bench move a certain distance in the longitudinal direction to change the scratch position of the test piece, repeat the preparation operation, and then perform the next test, using each type of pencil in order Five traces were plowed.

★ Use this method from a hard pencil. When identifying five traces of plow injury film, if there are two or more plow injury membranes, change the pencil to the next level until you find one of the five traces. Paint the pencil (or not break). Then the hardness value of this grade pencil represents the hardness of the tested coating film.

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