

参考价 面议
  • 公司名称江都市腾达试验仪器厂
  • 品       牌
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  • 所  在  地无锡市
  • 厂商性质经销商
  • 更新时间2024/6/25 11:11:59
  • 访问次数71

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腾达试验仪器厂: 网络三公游戏可以做弊吗适用于热拌热铺沥青混合料路面施工时的沥青用量检测,以评定拌和厂产品质量
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Asphalt centrifugal extractor is suitable for testing the amount of asphalt used in the construction of hot-mixed hot-paved asphalt mixture pavement to evaluate the quality of the product of the mixing plant.This method is also suitable for detecting the amount of bitumen in asphalt mixtures when surveying old roads.The bitumen solution extracted by this method can be used to recover bitumen to evaluate the aging properties of bitumen.











Technical parameters of asphalt centrifugal extractor:

★Bowl capacity:1500g/3000g


★Inner diameter of the pot:280mm

★Ambient temperature:≤35℃.

★Relative humidity:≤85%.

★Whole machine power consumption:500W.

★Net weight of the instrument:60kg

★Power supply voltage:220v











Asphalt centrifugal extractor operating procedures:

★Inject the trichloroethylene solvent into the beaker containing the sample,immerse it,record the amount of flux,soak it for 30 minutes,and stir the mixture with a glass rod to fully dissolve the asphalt.Note:You can also soak directly in the centrifuge

★Pour the mixture and solution into the centrifugal separator,and wash all the adherends on the beaker and glass rod into the separator with a small amount of solvent.

★Weigh the clean round filter paper to an accuracy of 0.01g.Note that filter paper should not be used repeatedly.

★Place the filter paper on the edge of the separator,cover it tightly,and put a recovery bottle at the separator outlet.The upper mouth should be sealed to prevent the outflowing solution from becoming misty and lost.

★Turn on the power and turn on the switch.The three-digit digital display 000 indicates that the machine is normal.Press the start button,the separator starts to work,the working process is 20 seconds at low speed(at this time,click and rotate from the middle of the machine,if you do not turn,you can fine-tune the rear panel low speed adjustment to make it rotate slowly)at 20 seconds,Low speed is the same,adjust the medium speed to make the speed higher than 140 seconds,and stop automatically after a total of 180.

★Add new flux from the hole in the upper cover.After 3-5min later,press the reset button and then the start button.The separator will automatically complete again.Do this several times until the extracted liquid becomes clear yellow.Note:Each time you add trichloroethylene solvent,it should not exceed the soaking capacity,usually about 200 ml.

★Remove the upper cover,take the circular ring filter paper,evaporate and dry it in a fume hood or indoor air,then dry it in an oven of 105±5℃,weigh it,and the weight increase part is part of the mineral powder.

★Take out the aggregates in the container carefully,evaporate them in a fume hood or air,and put them in 105±5℃to dry(usually 4h),then put them in the cooler to the greenhouse,and weigh the aggregates.












Asphalt centrifugal extraction instrument and materials:

Centrifugal extraction instrument:It consists of a sample container and a centrifugal separator with a rotation speed of not less than 3000r/min.The container lid and container are sealed with an oil-resistant circular filter paper.After the filtrate is discharged through the filter paper,it flows out of the outlet and is collected in a recovery bottle.The instrument must be stable and equipped with an exhaust device.

Circular filter paper.

Recovery bottle:more than 1700mL.

Pressure filtering device.

Balances:one each with a sensitivity of not more than 0.01g and 1mg.

Graduated cylinder:small graduation 1mL.

Electric oven:equipped with automatic temperature regulator.

Trichloroethylene:industrial use.

Saturated solution of ammonium carbonate:for combustion method to determine the content of mineral powder in filter paper.

Others:small shovel,metal plate,large beaker,etc.

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