

参考价 面议
  • 公司名称江都市腾达试验仪器厂
  • 品       牌
  • 型       号
  • 所  在  地无锡市
  • 厂商性质经销商
  • 更新时间2024/6/26 11:09:23
  • 访问次数37

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腾达试验仪器厂; 星力9代平台搭建是检测仪器,适用于测定各类乳化沥青微粒离子的电荷性质,即阳、阴离子的类型
星力9代平台搭建 产品信息



Emulsified asphalt charge tester is a testing instrument,which is suitable for measuring the charge properties of various types of emulsified asphalt particulate ions,that is,cation and anion types.












Technical parameters of emulsified asphalt charge tester:

★Power supply voltage:DC 6V

★Large output load:30mA

★Timing accuracy:0.1 seconds

★Timed 3min

★Power supply voltage:220V<




★Ambient temperature:5~40℃

★Ambient humidity:≦85﹪








Operation method of emulsified asphalt charge tester:

★First connect the power cable and the electrical cable.Please pay attention to the gaps in the plug and socket.The red plug is inserted into the red socket,and the black plug is inserted into the black socket.

★Filter the emulsified asphalt sample through a sieve with a pore size of 1.18 and store it in a container.

★Loosen the lock nut of the lifting frame,lift the lifting frame,and place the beaker in the base.

★Inject about 200ml of the filtered emulsified sample into the beaker,lower the lifting frame,and insert the electric board into the emulsified asphalt about 30mm.

★Turn on the power switch and press the timing button.It can be seen that the LED above the button will emit light.At this time,the timer enters the working state and the timing is 3 minutes.

★When the light-emitting tube goes out,it means that the electric**board is finished.You can raise the lifting frame and carefully observe the electric board(the red plug is positive**,the black plug is negative**).If there are a large number of asphalt particles on the negative**plate,it means that the asphalt particles are positively charged,then the emulsion is cationic,otherwise a large number of asphalt particles are adsorbed on the positive**plate,which means that the asphalt particles are negatively charged,the emulsion is anionic.type.








Emulsified Asphalt Charge Tester Apparatus and Materials:

★Beaker:200ml or 300ml.

★Electric**board:2 pieces,made of copper,each**board is 100㎜long,10㎜wide,1㎜thick.

★DC power supply:6v.


★Sieve:The sieve opening is 1.18㎜.



After the test of the emulsified asphalt charge tester,if you want to clean the electric board,you can lift the lifting frame,loosen the fixing screw on the conductive post,and remove the electric board.

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