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万喜堂app下载网页版 注册送28元平台

参考价 面议
  • 公司名称深圳鑫惠福电子仪器有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       号
  • 所  在  地
  • 厂商性质
  • 更新时间2018/5/15 13:32:41
  • 访问次数724

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万喜堂app下载网页版 注册送28元平台频率范围:8kHz - 2GHz
万喜堂app下载网页版 注册送28元平台 产品信息

万喜堂app下载网页版 注册送28元平台

厂家: 美国惠普
原值: $39,720美元

  • 频率范围:8kHz - 2GHz
  • 单次频率分辨率:10位
  • 时间间隔分辨率:150ps/1ps
  • 连续测量速度:13*10+6
  • 存储器容量:8000
  • 主要功能及应用范围:对调频,调幅及脉冲调制信号的频率稳定状态进行观察、测试、分析
  • 插件
    chA: HP 53702A Envelope Detector. 20 dBm MAX,50Ω
    chB: HP 54002A
    The 54002A is a 50 Ω, BNC input pod for oscillosopes and waveform analyzers.

125 mHz to 500 MHz with channels A and B. Fast time-interval histograms, pulsed measurements, and envelope measurements. HP-IB.
Frequency range: 8kHz to 500MHz. Frequency resolution: 10 digits. Time interval resolution: 150ps/1ps. Option 030: 2GHz Channel C.

5373A Modulation Domain Pulse Analyzer

The Agilent 5373A modulation domain pulse analyzer provides built-in functions for pulsed signal analysis and is ideal for applications requiring radar and EW signal characterization. It minimizes design and testing efforts required for modern military, air traffic, marine, weather, and space-based radar systems. The measurements of phase, frequency, and time are optimized for complex signal modulations.

The 5373A simplifies the study of agile carriers, staggered PRI, chirp, phase coding, and similar modulations whether intentional or unintentional. The 5373A analyzer is particularly suited to working with pulsed and non- repetitive signals. It measures modulation and carrier frequency on pulsed RF signals to 500 MHz, and includes a detector channel for precise measurement of envelope parameters such as pulse width and PRI, peak envelope power, percent AM, jitter, and more.

  • 200 ps single-shot, Least Significant Digit (LSD), 10 digits/second for frequency measurements (2 ps LSD for averaged measurements)
  • Broad selection of measurements, arming and triggering configurations

  • Built-in analysis, including math, statistics, limit testing, and calculated Allan Variance
  • Graphic display and histograms for added visual meaning from collected data
  • Up to 13 million measurements per second, 500 MHz frequency range (expandable to 2 GHz with optional channel)
  • For complete product specs, click on the Data Sheet link.

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