
当前位置:万喜堂彩票>>费斯托 Festo>>气缸>> DNCT-32-…-PP娱乐爆姐歌歌, 强力和多位置气缸 191210

娱乐爆姐歌歌, 强力和多位置气缸 191210

参  考  价 面议


品       牌 费斯托/FESTO


所  在  地 上海市

更新时间:2022-08-19 17:14:44 浏览次数:466次

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缸径 25, 32, 40, 50, 63, 80, 100, 125 mm
行程 1 ...500 mm
输出力 542 ...18,281 N
将2, 3 或 4 个同缸径、同行程的本类气缸串接后,能获得多倍于常
娱乐爆姐歌歌, 强力和多位置气缸 191210

娱乐爆姐歌歌, 强力和多位置气缸 191210


  • 缸径 25, 32, 40, 50, 63, 80, 100, 125 mm
  • 行程 1 ...500 mm
  • 输出力 542 ...18,281 N
  • 将2, 3 或 4 个同缸径、同行程的本类气缸串接后,能获得多倍于常规气缸的输出力。

32 2 … 500 191 106 DNCT-32-…-PPV-A
40 2 … 500 191 107 DNCT-40-…-PPV-A
50 2 … 500 191 108 DNCT-50-…-PPV-A 娱乐爆姐歌歌, 强力和多位置气缸 191210
63 3 … 500 191 109 DNCT-63-…-PPV-A
80 3 … 500 191 110 DNCT-80-…-PPV-A
100 3 … 500 191 111 DNCT-100-…-PPV-A
125 3 … 500 191 112 DNCT-125-…-PPV-A
S6 – Heat-resistant seals up to 120 °C
32 2 … 500 191 210 DNCT-32-…-PPV-A-S6
40 2 … 500 191 211 DNCT-40-…-PPV-A-S6
50 2 … 500 191 212 DNCT-50-…-PPV-A-S6
63 3 … 500 191 213 DNCT-63-…-PPV-A-S6
80 3 … 500 191 214 DNCT-80-…-PPV-A-S6
100 3 … 500 191 215 DNCT-100-…-PPV-A-S6
125 3 … 500 191 216 DNCT-125-…-PPV-A-S6

32 7 32 6.5 4 24 221.4 32 45 223.6 45 2 144 174369 HNC-32
40 10 36 9 4 28 255.4 36 54 257.4 53 2 193 174370 HNC-40
50 10 45 9.5 5 32 267.4 45 64 273.1 62 2 353 174371 HNC-50
63 10 50 12.5 5 32 299.7 50 75 305.9 63 2 436 174372 HNC-63
80 12 63 15 6 41 337.4 63 93 342.6 81 2 829 174373 HNC-80
100 14.5 71 17.5 6 41 363.2 75 110 372.3 86 2 1009 174374 HNC-100
125 16.5 90 22 8 45 397 90 131 417.3 102 2 1902 174375 HNC-125
1) CRC2: Corrosion resistance class to Festo standard 940 070
Components with medium corrosion exposure. Externally visible components with significant decorative function in direct contact with normal industrial atmosphere or media such as coolants and lubricants.
Flange mounting FNC
Galvanised steel
Free of copper and PTFE
+ = plus 2x stroke length
Dimensions and ordering data
For  E FB

MF R TF UF W ZF CRC1) Weight Part No. Type
[mm] H13 [g]
32 45 7 10 32 64 80 16 209.6 1 221 174376 FNC-32
40 54 9 10 36 72 90 20 239.4 1 291 174377 FNC-40
50 65 9 12 45 90 110 25 253.1 1 536 174378 FNC-50
63 75 9 12 50 100 120 25 285.9 1 679 174379 FNC-63
80 93 12 16 63 126 150 30 317.6 1 1495 174380 FNC-80
100 110 14 16 75 150 175 35 347.3 1 2041 174381 FNC-100
125 132 16 20 90 180 210 45 392.3 1 3775 174382 FNC-125

32 71 86 12 16 12 50 45 18 207.6 2 150 174411 ZNCF-32
40 87 105 16 20 16 63 54 20 239.4 2 285 174412 ZNCF-40
50 99 117 16 24 16 75 64 25 253.1 2 473 174413 ZNCF-50
63 116 136 20 24 20 90 75 25 285.9 2 687 174414 ZNCF-63
80 136 156 20 28 20 110 93 32 315.6 2 1296 174415 ZNCF-80
100 164 189 25 38 25 132 110 32 350.3 2 2254 174416 ZNCF-100
125 192 217 25 50 25 160 131 40 397.3 2 3484 174417 ZNCF-125

32 30 71 86 12 12 50 65 66.3 145.4
40 32 87 105 16 16 63 75 75.6 169.5
50 34 99 117 16 16 75 95 84.3 181.4
63 41 116 136 20 20 90 105 94.3 208.8
80 44 136 156 20 20 110 130 104.1 229.9
100 48 164 189 25 25 132 145 112.9 252.2
125 50 192 217 25 25 160 175 135 278.8
For  XJ XJ1 XV XV1 Max.
tightening torque
CRC1) Weight Part No. Type
[mm] [Nm] [g]
32 80.4 159.5 73.4 152.5 4+1 2 213 2213233 DAMT-V1-32-A
40 89.9 183.8 82.8 176.7 8+1 2 388 2214899 DAMT-V1-40-A
50 97.4 194.5 90.9 188 8+2 2 608 2214909 DAMT-V1-50-A
63 103.4 217.8 98.9 213.3 18+2 2 911 2214971 DAMT-V1-63-A
80 117.9 243.7 111 236.8 28+2 2 1494 163529 DAMT-V1-80-A
100 129.2 268.5 121.1 260.4 28+2 2 2095 163530 DAMT-V1-100-A
125 158.8 302.6 146.9 290.7 40+2 2 3013 163531 DAMT-V7-125-A

Tandem cylinders DNCT, standard port pattern
Trunnion support LNZG
Trunnion support:
Anodised aluminium
Plain bearing: Plastic
Free of copper and PTFE
Dimensions and ordering data
For  CR




KE NH TH UL CRC1) Weight Part No. Type
[mm] D11 H13 ±0.1 H13 ±0.2 [g]
32 12 11 15 30 10.5 15 6.6 6.8 18 32 46 2 83 32959 LNZG-32
40, 50 16 15 18 36 12 18 9 9 21 36 55 2 129 32960 LNZG-40/50
63, 80 20 18 20 40 13 20 11 11 23 42 65 2 178 32961 LNZG-63/80
100, 125 25 20 25 50 16 24.5 14 13 28.5 50 75 2 306 32962 LNZG-100/125
1) CRC2: Corrosion resistance class to Festo standard 940 070
Components with medium corrosion exposure. Externally visible components with significant decorative function in direct contact with normal industrial atmosphere or media such as coolants and lubricants.
Swivel flange SNC
Die-cast aluminium
Free of copper and PTFE
+ = plus 2x stroke length
1 The pivot pin is secured against rotation with a dowel pin.
Dimensions and ordering data
For  CG CP EK

FL L SR XC CRC1) Weight Part No. Type
[mm] H14 h14 h9 ±0.2 [g]
32 14 34 10 22 13 10 221.6 2 93 174383 SNC-32
40 16 40 12 25 16 12 254.4 2 140 174384 SNC-40
50 21 45 16 27 16 12 268.1 2 234 174385 SNC-50
63 21 51 16 32 21 16 305.9 2 331 174386 SNC-63
80 25 65 20 36 22 16 337.6 2 618 174387 SNC-80
100 25 75 20 41 27 20 372.3 2 865 174388 SNC-100
125 37 97 30 50 30 25 422.3 2 1728 174389 SNC-125
1) CRC2: Corrosion resistance class to Festo standard 940 070
Components with medium corrosion exposure. Externally visible components with significant decorative function in direct contact with normal industrial atmosphere or media such as coolants and lubricants.
14 Internet: www.festo。。com/catalogue/... Subject to change – 2017/06
Tandem cylinders DNCT, standard port pattern
Swivel flange SNCB
Die-cast aluminium
Free of copper and PTFE
+ = plus 2x stroke length
Dimensions and ordering data
For  CB EK

FL L ML MR UB XC CRC1) Weight Part No. Type
[mm] H14 e8 ±0.2 h14 [g]
32 26 10 22 13 55 8.5 45 221.6 2 103 174390 SNCB-32
40 28 12 25 16 63 12 52 254.4 2 155 174391 SNCB-40
50 32 12 27 16 71 12 60 268.1 2 232 174392 SNCB-50
63 40 16 32 21 83 16 70 305.9 2 375 174393 SNCB-63
80 50 16 36 22 103 16 90 337.6 2 636 174394 SNCB-80
100 60 20 41 27 127 20 110 372.3 2 1035 174395 SNCB-100
125 70 25 50 30 148 25 130 422.3 2 1860 174396 SNCB-125
1) CRC2: Corrosion resistance class to Festo standard 940 070
Components with medium corrosion exposure. Externally visible components with significant decorative function in direct contact with normal industrial atmosphere or media such as coolants and lubricants.
Swivel flange SNCS
SNCS 32 … 50:
Die-cast aluminium
SNCS 63 … 125:
Wrought aluminium alloy
Free of copper and PTFE
+ = plus 2x stroke length
Dimensions and ordering data
For  CN

E EP EX FL LT MS RA TG XC CRC1) Weight Part No. Type
[mm] ±0.2 ±0.2 +1 [g]
32 10+0,013 45+0,2/–0,5 10,5 14 22 13 15+0,5 14,5 32,5 221,6 2 86 174397 SNCS-32
40 12+0,015 54–0,5 12 16 25 16 17+0,5 17,5 38 254,4 2 122 174398 SNCS-40
50 16+0,015 64–0,6 15 21 27 16 20+0,5 18,5 46,5 268,1 2 216 174399 SNCS-50
63 16+0,015 74,5±0,5 15 21 32 21 23–0,5 23 56,5 305,9 2 281 174400 SNCS-63
80 20+0,018 92,2±0,8 18 25 36 22 28–0,5 25 72 337,6 2 557 174401 SNCS-80
100 20+0,018 109+1/–0,7 18 25 41 27 30±0,5 95 89 372,3 2 690 174402 SNCS-100
125 30+0,018 132+1/–0,7 25 37 50 30 39±0,5 100 110 422,3 2 1375 174403 SNCS-125
1) CRC2: Corrosion resistance class to Festo standard 940 070
Components with medium corrosion exposure. Externally visible components with significant decorative function in direct contact with normal industrial atmosphere or media such as coolants and lubricants.
2017/06 – Subject to change Internet: www.festo。。com/catalogue/... 15
Tandem cylinders DNCT, standard port pattern
Swivel flange SNCL
Die-cast aluminium
Free of copper and PTFE
+ = plus 2x stroke length
Dimensions and ordering data
For  CD

EW FL L MR XC CRC1) Weight Part No. Type
[mm] H9 –0.2/–0.6 ±0.2 [g]
32 10 26 22 13 10 221.6 2 71 174404 SNCL-32
40 12 28 25 16 12 254.4 2 95 174405 SNCL-40
50 12 32 27 16 12 268.1 2 158 174406 SNCL-50
63 16 40 32 21 16 305.9 2 225 174407 SNCL-63
80 16 50 36 22 16 337.6 2 436 174408 SNCL-80
100 20 60 41 27 20 372.3 2 606 174409 SNCL-100
125 25 70 50 30 25 422.3 2 1135 174410 SNCL-125
1) CRC2: Corrosion resistance class to Festo standard 940 070
Components with medium corrosion exposure. Externally visible components with significant decorative function in direct contact with normal industrial atmosphere or media such as coolants and lubricants.
16 Internet: www.festo。。com/catalogue/... Subject to change – 2017/06
Tandem cylinders DNCT, standard port pattern
Ordering data – Mounting attachments Technical data Internet: mounting attachment
Designation For  Part No. Type Designation For  Part No. Type
Clevis foot LNG Clevis foot LSN
32 33890 LNG-32 32 5561 LSN-32
40 33891 LNG-40 40 5562 LSN-40
50 33892 LNG-50 50 5563 LSN-50
63 33893 LNG-63 63 5564 LSN-63
80 33894 LNG-80 80 5565 LSN-80
100 33895 LNG-100 100 5566 LSN-100
125 33896 LNG-125 125 6987 LSN-125
Clevis foot LSNG Clevis foot LSNSG
32 31740 LSNG-32 32 31747 LSNSG-32
40 31741 LSNG-40 40 31748 LSNSG-40
50 31742 LSNG-50 50 31749 LSNSG-50
63 31743 LSNG-63 63 31750 LSNSG-63
80 31744 LSNG-80 80 31751 LSNSG-80
100 31745 LSNG-100 100 31752 LSNSG-100
125 31746 LSNG-125 125 31753 LSNSG-125
Clevis foot LBG Right-angle clevis foot LQG
32 31761 LBG-32 32 31768 LQG-32
40 31762 LBG-40 40 31769 LQG-40
50 31763 LBG-50 50 31770 LQG-50
63 31764 LBG-63 63 31771 LQG-63
80 31765 LBG-80 80 31772 LQG-80
100 31766 LBG-100 100 31773 LQG-100
125 31767 LBG-125 125 31774 LQG-125
2017/06 – Subject to change Internet: www.festo。。com/catalogue/... 17
Tandem cylinders DNCT, standard port pattern
Ordering data – Piston rod attachments Technical data Internet: piston rod attachment
Designation For  Part No. Type Designation For  Part No. Type
Rod eye SGS Rod clevis SGA
32 9261 SGS-M10x1,25 32 32954 SGA-M10x1,25
40 9262 SGS-M12x1,25 40 10767 SGA-M12x1,25
50 9263 SGS-M16x1,5 50 10768 SGA-M16x1,5
63 63
80 9264 SGS-M20x1,5 80 10769 SGA-M20x1,5
100 100
125 10774 SGS-M27x2 125 10770 SGA-M27x2
Rod clevis SG Self-aligning rod coupler FK
32 6144 SG-M10x1,25 32 6140 FK-M10x1,25
40 6145 SG-M12x1,25 40 6141 FK-M12x1,25
50 6146 SG-M16x1,5 50 6142 FK-M16x1,5
63 63
80 6147 SG-M20x1,5 80 6143 FK-M20x1,51)
100 100
125 14987 SG-M27x2-B 125 10485 FK-M27x2
Coupling piece KSG
-H- Note
1) If these piston-rod attachments are used, the maximum force of 10000 N
must not be exceeded.
32 32963 KSG-M10x1,25
40 32964 KSG-M12x1,25
50 32965 KSG-M16x1,5
80 32966 KSG-M20x1,5
125 32967 KSG-M27x2
Ordering data – One-way flow control valves Technical data Internet: grla
Connection Material Part No. Type
Thread For tubing O.D.
Gx 3 Metal design 193142 GRLA-x-QS-3-D
4 193143 GRLA-x-QS-4-D
6 193144 GRLA-x-QS-6-D
8 193145 GRLA-x-QS-8-D
G¼ 6 193146 GRLA-¼-QS-6-D
8 193147 GRLA-¼-QS-8-D
10 193148 GRLA-¼-QS-10-D
Gy 6 193149 GRLA-y-QS-6-D
8 193150 GRLA-y-QS-8-D
10 193151 GRLA-y-QS-10-D
G½ 12 193152 GRLA-½-QS-12-D
18 Internet: www.festo。。com/catalogue/... Subject to change – 2017/06
Tandem cylinders DNCT, standard port pattern
Ordering data – Guide units for fixed strokes (recirculating ball bearing guide only) Technical data Internet: feng
Stroke Part No. Type Stroke Part No. Type
[mm] [mm]
For  32 mm For  40 mm
10 … 50 34493 FENG-32-50-KF 10 … 50 34499 FENG-40-50-KF
10 … 100 34494 FENG-32-100-KF 10 … 100 34500 FENG-40-100-KF
10 … 160 34495 FENG-32-160-KF 10 … 160 34501 FENG-40-160-KF
10 … 200 34496 FENG-32-200-KF 10 … 200 34502 FENG-40-200-KF
10 … 250 150289 FENG-32-250-KF 10 … 250 34503 FENG-40-250-KF
10 … 320 34497 FENG-32-320-KF 10 … 320 34504 FENG-40-320-KF
10 … 400 150290 FENG-32-400-KF 10 … 400 150291 FENG-40-400-KF
10 … 500 34498 FENG-32-500-KF 10 … 500 34505 FENG-40-500-KF
For  50 mm For  63 mm
10 … 50 34506 FENG-50-50-KF 10 … 50 34513 FENG-63-50-KF
10 … 100 34507 FENG-50-100-KF 10 … 100 34514 FENG-63-100-KF
10 … 160 34508 FENG-50-160-KF 10 … 160 34515 FENG-63-160-KF
10 … 200 34509 FENG-50-200-KF 10 … 200 34516 FENG-63-200-KF
10 … 250 34510 FENG-50-250-KF 10 … 250 34517 FENG-63-250-KF
10 … 320 34511 FENG-50-320-KF 10 … 320 34518 FENG-63-320-KF
10 … 400 150292 FENG-50-400-KF 10 … 400 34519 FENG-63-400-KF
10 … 500 34512 FENG-50-500-KF 10 … 500 34520 FENG-63-500-KF
For  80 mm For  100 mm
10 … 50 34521 FENG-80-50-KF 10 … 50 34529 FENG-100-50-KF
10 … 100 34522 FENG-80-100-KF 10 … 100 34530 FENG-100-100-KF
10 … 160 34523 FENG-80-160-KF 10 … 160 34531 FENG-100-160-KF
10 … 200 34524 FENG-80-200-KF 10 … 200 34532 FENG-100-200-KF
10 … 250 34525 FENG-80-250-KF 10 … 250 34533 FENG-100-250-KF
10 … 320 34526 FENG-80-320-KF 10 … 320 34534 FENG-100-320-KF
10 … 400 34527 FENG-80-400-KF 10 … 400 34535 FENG-100-400-KF
10 … 500 34528 FENG-80-500-KF 10 … 500 34536 FENG-100-500-KF
Ordering data – Guide units for variable strokes Technical data Internet: feng
For  Stroke With recirculating ball bearing guide With plain bearing guide
[mm] [mm] Part No. Type Part No. Type
32 10 … 500 34487 FENG-32-…-KF 34481 FENG-32-…-GF
40 10 … 500 34488 FENG-40-…-KF 34482 FENG-40-…-GF
50 10 … 500 34489 FENG-50-…-KF 34483 FENG-50-…-GF
63 10 … 500 34490 FENG-63-…-KF 34484 FENG-63-…-GF
80 10 … 500 34491 FENG-80-…-KF 34485 FENG-80-…-GF
100 10 … 500 34492 FENG-100-…-KF 34486 FENG-100-…-GF
Ordering data – Mounting kits for proximity sensors SMT-8 Technical data Internet: smb
For  [mm] Part No. Type
32 175705 SMB-8-FENG-32/40
50 175706 SMB-8-FENG-50/63
80 175707 SMB-8-FENG-80/100
2017/06 – Subject to change Internet: www.festo。。com/catalogue/... 19
Tandem cylinders DNCT, standard port pattern
Ordering data – Proximity sensors for T-slot, magneto-resistive Technical data Internet: smt
Type of mounting Switch
Electrical connection Cable length Part No. Type
N/O contact
Insertable in the slot from above, flush
with cylinder profile, short design
PNP Cable, 3-wire 2.5 574335 SMT-8M-A-PS-24V-E-2,5-OE
Plug M8x1, 3-pin 0.3 574334 SMT-8M-A-PS-24V-E-0,3-M8D
Plug M12x1, 3-pin 0.3 574337 SMT-8M-A-PS-24V-E-0,3-M12
NPN Cable, 3-wire 2.5 574338 SMT-8M-A-NS-24V-E-2,5-OE
Plug M8x1, 3-pin 0.3 574339 SMT-8M-A-NS-24V-E-0,3-M8D
N/C contact
Insertable in the slot from above, flush
with cylinder profile, short design
PNP Cable, 3-wire 7.5 574340 SMT-8M-A-PO-24V-E-7,5-OE
Ordering data – Proximity sensors for T-slot, magnetic reed Technical data Internet: sme
Type of mounting Switch
Electrical connection Cable length Part No. Type
N/O contact
Insertable in the slot from above, flush
with cylinder profile
Contacting Cable, 3-wire 2.5 543862 SME-8M-DS-24V-K-2,5-OE
5.0 543863 SME-8M-DS-24V-K-5,0-OE
Cable, 2-wire 2.5 543872 SME-8M-ZS-24V-K-2,5-OE
Plug M8x1, 3-pin 0.3 543861 SME-8M-DS-24V-K-0,3-M8D
Insertable in the slot lengthwise, flush
with the cylinder profile
Contacting Cable, 3-wire 2.5 150855 SME-8-K-LED-24
Plug M8x1, 3-pin 0.3 150857 SME-8-S-LED-24
N/C contact
Insertable in the slot lengthwise, flush
with the cylinder profile
Contacting Cable, 3-wire 7.5 160251 SME-8-O-K-LED-24
Ordering data – Connecting cables Technical data Internet: nebu
Electrical connection, left Electrical connection, right Cable length Part No. Type
Straight socket, M8x1, 3-pin Cable, open end, 3-wire 2.5 541333 NEBU-M8G3-K-2.5-LE3
5 541334 NEBU-M8G3-K-5-LE3
Straight socket, M12x1, 5-pin Cable, open end, 3-wire 2.5 541363 NEBU-M12G5-K-2.5-LE3
5 541364 NEBU-M12G5-K-5-LE3
Angled socket, M8x1, 3-pin Cable, open end, 3-wire 2.5 541338 NEBU-M8W3-K-2.5-LE3
5 541341 NEBU-M8W3-K-5-LE3
Angled socket, M12x1, 5-pin Cable, open end, 3-wire 2.5 541367 NEBU-M12W5-K-2.5-LE3
5 541370 NEBU-M12W5-K-5-LE3
Ordering data – Slot cover for T-slot
Mounting Length Part No. Type
Insertable from
2x 0.5 m 151680 ABP-5-S


  • 缸径 25, 32, 40, 50, 63, 80, 100, 125 mm
  • 行程 1 ...500 mm
  • 输出力 542 ...18,281 N
  • 将2, 3 或 4 个同缸径、同行程的本类气缸串接后,能获得多倍于常规气缸的输出力。











