现有双信号细分盒接口可以与TONiC 和 SiGNUM一起使用。DSi整合了一个RESM环上的两个SR读书头的信号,提供整体安装精度达的±2.0 arc second (Ø209 mm RESM ring)。
•DSi compensates for the effect of bearing wander and odd error harmonics by blending the signals from two TONiC or SiGNUM readheads •Angularly repeatable propoZ™ reference position is unaffected by bearing wander or power cycling •The propoZ™ reference position is customer selected by driving the axis to the desired position and simply pressing a button on the DSi •DSi makes adding a second readhead easy - the combined outputs simply appear to the controller as a single very high accuracy encoder •The DSi adds further performance to the dynamic advantages of the RESM ring and all of the benefits of the TONiC encoder and SiGNUM encoder systems •DSi now has an option to work on partial-arc axes. Contact your local representative for more details