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  • 公司名称穆格控制系统(上海)有限公司
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  • 更新时间2022/1/14 12:12:16
  • 访问次数517

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穆格成立1951年7月,Bill Moog、Art Moog和Lou Geyer出资3000美元,成立了穆格阀门(Moog Valve)。由于当时资源有限,最初的工作场所位于一个肮脏飞机库的角落,只有几个潜在客户,以及一款强大的产品。毅力和创造力是解决问题的两个因素。在Bill、Art和Lou的字典里没有“不行”这样的字眼,他们也以同样的方式激励着合作伙伴。穆格现状聚焦航空航天、国防、工业和医疗等要求精确控制速度、力、加速度和流量的应用领域,穆格工程师成功设计和制造出了的运动控制产品。我们的运动控制产品组合涵盖各种形式的驱动技术、复杂的控制电子装置和系统软件。我们是精密运动控制系统的者,我们的产品反映了我们的文化——不放过每一个解决控制难题的机会。未来展望创新是穆格成长进步的支柱。我们积极投资将会对航空航天、国防、航天器、工业、医疗等行业产生重大影响的未来技术。凭借出色的员工和创新技术,我们正在研发突破性的解决方案。穆格中国穆格中国成立于 1997 年,在上海、北京、和香港设有办事处,其中上海有本地工厂(穆格控制系统(上海)有限公司)。穆格在中国的主要业务市场包括塑机制造、发电、冶金机械、航空与汽车测试。穆格中国上海是我们在亚洲的汽车测试解决方案研发中心。与此同时,上海的维修中心是中国的穆格原厂维修与服务中心。
BrushlessMotorsOverview- Powersbelow900WMoogoffersacomprehensiveselectionofhighperformancebrushlessmotorsandservomotorsusedinawidevarietyofapplications
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Moog offers a comprehensive selection of high performance brushless motors and servomotors used in a wide variety of applications, including medical, office automation, packaging, industrial, aerospace and defense.


  • Inside Rotor Brushless DC motors - Silencers® Series
  • Direct Drive Brushless DC Frameless Torque Motors


  • Direct Drive Brushless DC Frameless Torque Motors
  • Limited Rotation Motors
  • Toroidally Wound Brushless DC Motors

Integrated Motors

Moog has expanded its motion solutions by adding a line of highly programmable integrated motors.


Moog Animatics provides leading edge technology that integrates a motor, encoder, amplifier, controller, RS232/RS485 communications and IOs. The SmartMotor now features optional Combitronic technology.

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Servo control integrated on board of a high efficiency brushless motor. Allows great machine design freedom and to significantly reduce wiring and cabinet space.

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Custom Motors

Moog has expanded its motion solutions by adding a line of high performance brushless custom motor products, including permanent magnet brushless motors, DSP intensive controls and value added components. These custom solutions offer a competitive advantage in both features and costs for a wide range of applications and markets.


Moog Aspen solves OEM motion control problems by utilizing its engineering capability to design and manufacture innovative products including permanent magnet brushless motors, DSP intensive controls and value added components. These custom solutions offer a competitive advantage in both features and costs for a wide range of applications and markets.

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Moog Aspen works closely with our volume OEM customers to offer "more than just the motor." Value added assemblies cover a wide range of products. We offer motor electronics with the required hardware and software, feedback elements, gear boxes, magnetic couplings, and plastic parts to complete OEM products

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