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  • 公司名称陕西正捷工程科技有限责任公司
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  • 所  在  地西安市
  • 厂商性质代理商
  • 更新时间2022/5/17 11:19:18
  • 访问次数249

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陕西正捷工程科技有限责任公司是世界*仪器仪表生产厂家—美国 Dwyer 仪表中国地区的一级代理经销商,我们还是美国 WIKA,FEMA,UE,CCS 压力差压温度流量液位产品 .公司提供近万种有关差压表,差压变送器,差压开关,压力表,压力变送器,压力开关,流量计,流量传感器,流量开关,超声波流量计,风速计,风速变送器,温度、湿度、物位(液位)和阀门等产品, 它们广泛应用于工业自动化、暖通空调、楼宇自控、电厂、石油、化工、水处理,锅炉、压缩机、冷冻制冷设备、食品、医药、轻工业、环保、洁净工程等领域。我们代理多家*工业自动化测控仪表,将*的测控仪表提供给客户,同时我们拥有一支专业的技术队伍,能为客户提供较好的的自动化测控解决方案.公司自成立以来在电力化工行业取得了较好的业绩,赢得了供货商与使用客户的认可,参与了多个新建、扩建、改造项目,拥有国内外多个仪表的总代理、区域代理、一级代理资格。

永赢彩票 产品信息

The SERIES TFP-GV Gas Flowmeters utilize a turbine wheel and electro-optical detection to convert flow rates into a linear 0 to 5 VDC output signal for recording and data logging. A power adapter or mating cable assembly is required for operation.


Clean dry gases compatible with wetted materials.

Wetted Materials:

PPS, acetal, sapphire, glass, epoxy, and fluoroelastomer.


±3% of FS.


±3% of FS.


±0.5% of FS.

Temperature Limits:

41 to 131°F (5 to 55°C); Storage: 32 to 158°F (0 to 70°C); Sensitivity: ±0.2% of FS per °C.

Pressure Limits:

40 psig (2.8 bar).

Process Connection:

Compression fitting, see model table on Catalog page.

Power Requirements:

11.5 to 15 VDC.

Power Consumption:

35 mA @ 12 VDC.

Output Signal:

0 to 5 VDC; minimum 2.5 kΩ load.

Electrical Connections:

Four-pin power and signal connector. A power adapter or mating cable required for operation. See accessories table.

Enclosure Rating:

IP10 (NEMA 1).


0.16 lb (75 g).

Agency Approvals:



TFP-GV03 Gas turbine flow meter, range .042 to .21 SCFH (0.02 to 0.1 LPM), 1/8" OD connection.

TFP-GV0 4Gas turbine flow meter, range .085 to .42 SCFH (0.04 to 0.2 LPM), 1/8" OD connection.

TFP-GV05 Gas turbine flow meter, range .21 to 1.1 SCFH (0.1 to 0.5 LPM), 1/8" OD connection.

TFP-GV06 Gas turbine flow meter, range .42 to 2.1 SCFH (0.2 to 1 LPM), 1/8" OD connection.

TFP-GV07 Gas turbine flow meter, range .85 to 4.2 SCFH (0.4 to 2 LPM), 1/4" OD connection.

TFP-GV08 Gas turbine flow meter, range 2.1 to 11 SCFH (1 to 5 LPM), 1/4" OD connection.

TFP-GV09 Gas turbine flow meter, range 4.2 to 21 SCFH (2 to 10 LPM), 1/4" OD connection.

TFP-GV10 Gas turbine flow meter, range 8.5 to 42 SCFH (4 to 20 LPM), 3/8" OD connection.

TFP-GV11 Gas turbine flow meter, range 21 to 110 SCFH (10 to 50 LPM), 3/8" OD connection.

TFP-GV12 Gas turbine flow meter, range 42 to 210 SCFH (20 to 100 LPM), 1/2" OD connection.

TFP-GV13 Gas turbine flow meter, range 85 to 420 SCFH (40 to 200 LPM), 1/2" OD connection.

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