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  • 公司名称北京富隆兴业科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       号
  • 所  在  地北京市
  • 厂商性质其他
  • 更新时间2022/7/25 12:02:14
  • 访问次数143

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北京富隆兴业科技有限公司专业服务于材料表面检测、摩擦磨损试验机、光学及轮廓表面测试、环境监测仪器、搅拌机、通用试验仪器和石油化工仪器等 公司成立于2008年07月成立于中关村高科技园区,一家集化学领域产品研发与营销、技术支持与服务为一体的高科技公司。专业服务于国际ASTM石油检测标准、进口精细化学品、进口配件耗材等领域的客户。公司主要服务于石油、化工、生命科学仪器、临床检验、理化分析仪器、植物学、农业相关仪器、食品、微生物仪器、通用实验设备、消耗品及试剂,涉及生命科学、制药、食品、饮料、日用化学、化妆品、轻工化工及电子芯片等行业。“服务科学、服务人类”是我们公司的经营理念,严控产品质量。坚持以客户为中心的原则做好产品,做好服务。富隆兴业自创立以来,坚持“一、技术、服务至上”的管理理念。致力于成为“实验室采购专家”,以良好的信誉服务于各个领域的用户。 富隆兴业的愿景:推动中国石油科研领域的蓬勃发展,为中国技术国际化做出一份贡献。 本公司承诺以一、安全可靠,、用户至上的原则为用户提供的服务,在市场经济中求发展,在业务开拓中求创新,以技术品质提升服务水准,开拓更加广阔的市场,把实惠留给客户–富隆兴业化学实验室采购专家。领域
喜彩平台 产品信息
产品详细信息 型号: 喜彩平台 品牌/商标: Pamas 生产厂家: 德国 产品类别: 德国 PAMAS 产品- 乳剂和暗色液体的粒子计数器 商品介绍:

The喜彩平台 online particle counter offers an integrated dilution system to dilute the sample liquid directly online. The measuring instrument is best for samples which are either too contaminated or too viscous or which may contain undissolved additives. Such sample fluids until now could not be analysed without prior dilution.

The喜彩平台 is equipped with an integrated dilution system which continuously adds a programmable amount of a low viscous solvent to the raw sample before online measurement. The system's inner structure ensures that solvent and raw sample are thoroughly mixed. This helps to get a good homogeneity of the mixture and hence repeatable measuring results.

With its integrated dilution system, the喜彩平台 can be also used for online fuel analysis. Without prior dilution, free water in fuel would lead to false measurements. In the喜彩平台, the water drops in the fuel sample are dispersed in the added solvent and thus are not detected as particles during posterior online measurement.


Calibration range: 4 μm(c) to 70 μm(c) according to calibration standard ISO 11171
Measurement in eight size channels: > 4 μm(c), > 6 μm(c), > 10 μm(c), > 14 μm(c), > 21 μm(c), > 25 μm(c), > 38 μm(c) and > 70 μm(c)
Maximum particle concentration: 24.000 particles per ml at a coincidence quote of 7.8% and a flow rate of 25 ml/min

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