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  • 公司名称北京富隆兴业科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       号
  • 所  在  地北京市
  • 厂商性质其他
  • 更新时间2022/7/25 12:27:47
  • 访问次数166

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北京富隆兴业科技有限公司专业服务于材料表面检测、摩擦磨损试验机、光学及轮廓表面测试、环境监测仪器、搅拌机、通用试验仪器和石油化工仪器等 公司成立于2008年07月成立于中关村高科技园区,一家集化学领域产品研发与营销、技术支持与服务为一体的高科技公司。专业服务于国际ASTM石油检测标准、进口精细化学品、进口配件耗材等领域的客户。公司主要服务于石油、化工、生命科学仪器、临床检验、理化分析仪器、植物学、农业相关仪器、食品、微生物仪器、通用实验设备、消耗品及试剂,涉及生命科学、制药、食品、饮料、日用化学、化妆品、轻工化工及电子芯片等行业。“服务科学、服务人类”是我们公司的经营理念,严控产品质量。坚持以客户为中心的原则做好产品,做好服务。富隆兴业自创立以来,坚持“一、技术、服务至上”的管理理念。致力于成为“实验室采购专家”,以良好的信誉服务于各个领域的用户。 富隆兴业的愿景:推动中国石油科研领域的蓬勃发展,为中国技术国际化做出一份贡献。 本公司承诺以一、安全可靠,、用户至上的原则为用户提供的服务,在市场经济中求发展,在业务开拓中求创新,以技术品质提升服务水准,开拓更加广阔的市场,把实惠留给客户–富隆兴业化学实验室采购专家。领域
四方互娱-扬帆起航 产品信息
产品详细信息 型号: PAMAS FastPatch 2 GO 品牌/商标: Pamas 生产厂家: 德国 产品类别: 德国 PAMAS 产品- 工业清洗溶剂用粒子计数器 商品介绍:

   The microscope systemPAMAS FastPatch 2 GO has been developed to comply with the standard ISO 4407 as an automated filter membrane particle counting and sizing system. The system is designed to measure the particles trapped on the surface of the filter. The analysis uses advanced image analysis and microscope automation techniques to provide rapid and accurate contamination results of whole or user specified areas of filters.

The accurate and repeatable measuring results of thePAMAS FastPatch 2 GO are displayed in real time: providing a constantly updated particle count and contamination class results table. The clear and concise, user-defined end report displays the full patch analysis overview and the contamination classification table. The user can record images from any area of the filter membrane and add them to the end report with the size of each particle displayed. ThePAMAS FastPatch 2 GO system complies with the international standard ISO 4407 and provides results to the following standards: SAE AS 4059, NAS 1638, ISO 4406 and ISO 16232. The system includes a high performance laptop or PC pre-configured with the analysis software.


  • Dark fluids

  • Two phase liquids

  • Emulsions

  • High levels of contamination

  • Very high viscosities (dilution required)


  • Automated particle count analysis system for filter membranes

  • High resolution to see small particles

  • Automatic compensation for uneven surface

  • Full correct filter patch result for non-uniform particle distribution

  • Compensation for background colouration

  • Reduced sample preparation time

  • Compliance with international standard ISO 4407; reported to SAE AS 4059, NAS 1638, ISO 4406 or ISO 16232 standards

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