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  • 公司名称温州市龙湾沙城上炬阀门厂
  • 品       牌
  • 型       号H74W-25P
  • 所  在  地温州市
  • 厂商性质经销商
  • 更新时间2022/9/7 15:20:27
  • 访问次数124
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我们的主营产品有:不锈钢对夹式止回阀,快速接头 卫生级快装球阀,快装蝶阀,隔膜阀,止回阀,取样阀,活接头,视镜,清洗球,卫生级地漏,卫生呼吸器,乳品弯头,乳品三通,大小头,卡箍,快装接头,管支架,人孔,卫生泵,螺纹球阀,焊接蝶阀,对夹蝶阀,螺纹蝶阀,三片式蝶阀 ,U型三通、四通、卡箍、快装接头,清洗球、快装皮管接头,快装外丝接头,奶泵、卫生级不锈钢过滤器系列、F型过滤器,卫生级视盅(视镜) 等产品专业生产加工,*为一体的企业。 产品广泛应用于乳食品、啤酒饮料、化妆品、石化、化工、生物制药等卫生级管道工业领域。
温州龙湾沙场面上炬阀门厂,“先科学的管理体系,*的制量意识,全习全意的服务承诺。”使吸引了各新老客户的睛睐。在多年的事业实践中,积累了丰富的生产管理经验,随着市场的不断壮大和质量的不断提高。在市场竞争如此激烈的今天,上炬 以体系完善,管理严谨,诚实信用的售后服务,并以“高品质,低价位”满足客户需求,在业界赢有良好声誉和认可。广范受到新老客户的睛睐。
Wenzhou City torch valve fittings factory is a professional engaged in a variety of high-precision liquid equipment production and sales. Since its inception, has been the introduction of world-class CNC machining equipment, adopt international advanced manufacturing process. And through a series of certification standards, tracking implementation and supervision according to the quality, the torch have today's achievement, is each torch people hard work results.
Our main products are: stainless steel wafer type check valve, a quick joint sanitary quick ball, quick butterfly valve, diaphragm valve, check valve, sampling valve, union, mirror, cleaning ball, Sanitary Drain, sanitary apparatus, dairy dairy three links, elbow, reducer, clamp, quick joint, pipe supports, manhole, sanitary pump, screw ball valve, welded butterfly valve, wafer butterfly valve butterfly valve butterfly valve, thread, three type, U type three, four, clamps, a quick joint, cleaning ball, quick leather pipe joint, fast loading external wire joint, sanitary stainless steel filter series, F type filter, health level as the cup ( mirror ) products such as professional production and processing, sales and service as one of the enterprises. Products are widely used in food, beverage, cosmetic milk beer, petrochemical, chemical, pharmaceutical and other sanitary pipe industry.
Wenzhou Longwan sand scene torch valve factory, " the first scientific management system, first-class quality consciousness, all learning all the service commitment. " So attracted to the new and old customers eye gaze. In the years of business practice, has accumulated rich experience in production and management, as the market continues to grow and constantly improve the quality of. In the fierce market competition today, torch in order to improve the system, strict management, the honesty of the after sale service, and to " high-quality, low price " to meet the needs of customers, in the industry won a good reputation and recognition. A wide range of old and new customers by eye gaze.
盈鼎商务大楼图片 产品信息

不锈钢对夹止回阀的概述 :


止回阀用于管路系统,其主要作用是防止介质倒流、防止泵及其驱动电机机反转,以及容器内介质的泄放。止回阀还可用于给其中的压力可能升至超过主系统压力的辅助系统提供补给的管路上。止回阀根据材质的不同,可以适用于各种介质的管路上。 止回阀安装在管路上,即成为这一完整管路的流体部件之一,其阀瓣启闭过程就要受它所处系统瞬变流动状态所影响;反过来,阀瓣的关闭特性又对流体流动状态产生发作用。




1. 结构长度短,其结构长度只有传统法兰止回阀的1/4~1/8;
2. 体积小、重量轻,其重量只有传统法兰止回阀的1/4~1/20;
3. 阀瓣关闭快速,水锤压力小;
4. 水平管道或垂直管道均可使用,安装方便;
5. 对夹升降式止回阀流道通畅、流体阻力小;
6. 动作灵敏、密封性能好;
7. 阀瓣行程短、关阀冲击力小;
8. 整体结构、简单紧凑、造型美观;
9. 使用寿命长、可靠性高。

:       http://sjfmgj.cn.albaba.com  http://www.wzsjgj。。com

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