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  • 公司名称浙江国自机器人技术股份有限公司
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  • 更新时间2023/1/5 14:23:39
  • 访问次数509

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浙江国自机器人技术股份有限公司专注于移动机器人的开发和推广,集科研开发、生产制造、市场营销及工程服务为一体, 致力于为市场提供的具有国际竞争力的机器人技术、产品和解决方案,业务已覆盖智能移动机器人、智能制造等领域。公司产品广泛应用于电力、汽车、橡胶轮胎、物流、煤炭、铁路等行业,拥有、南网、、杭叉、娃哈哈、中策等客户。公司技术实力强劲,拥有移动机器人技术研发能力,覆盖机器人技术相关机械、电路、软件、算法、电气、整机集成交叉学科全领域。公司技术体系围绕自主导航技术、运动底盘技术,辅以数据智能分析技术和执行机构精确操作技术,让机器人多样化适应恶劣环境,能灵活运用并全面代替人工作业。公司已掌握智能移动机器人基于多传感器融合的环境学习与精确定位技术、动态路径规划与精确轨迹跟踪技术、移动机器人多轴协同高效平稳控制技术、基于深度学习与智能云的数据挖掘技术、多智能体分布式协作技术、特种环境防护技术与本质安全技术等一系列移动机器人技术。 Zhejiang Guozi RoboticsCo., Ltd. is focusing on development and promotion of robots. Our company integrates scientific research, manufacturing, marketing and engineering service, providing the top robot technologies and best products and solutions in the world. Our business covers intelligent robots, intelligent manufacturing and so on. Products are widely used in electric power, auto, rubber tire, logistics, papermaking, coal, railway and other industries. The company has a batch of high-end customers including State Grid Corporation of China, China Southern Power Grid, Greatstar, Hangcha, Wahaha and Zhongce Rubber. The company owns a powerful technical strength, has an omni-directional technical research and development capacity for robots, which covers machinery, electric circuit, software, algorithm, electrical, complete equipment integration and other inter-discipline fields related to robot technologies. The technology system of the company is centering on the international leading autonomous navigation technology, chassis technology, supplemented intelligent data analysis technology and accurate actuator operation technology, so as to achieve the robot diversification for severe environments and realize flexible use to completely replace manual operation. The company has grasped a series of domestic advanced technologies and international top technologies, like environmental learning and accurate positioning technology of intelligent robots based on multi-sensor fusion, dynamic path planning and accurate trajectory tracking technology, multi-shaft synchronous efficient and stable control technology for robots, data mining technology based on deep learning and smart cloud, multi-agent distributed cooperation technology, special environmental protection technology and intrinsic safety technology.
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