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  • 公司名称北京华创至诚科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
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  • 所  在  地北京市
  • 厂商性质其他
  • 更新时间2023/3/5 7:39:28
  • 访问次数521

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北京华创至诚科技有限公司,是专业从事自动化领域的软、硬件开发,系统设计、集成及工程施工的。 公司位于中关村高科技园区内,*的科研环境和多种优惠政策的支持为公司的发展壮大提供了良好的区位优势。公司聚集和培养了一支技术能力强,懂管理,善于拓展业务市场的管理技术人员组成的专业队伍的,提供信息广泛、内容丰富的多项信息服务业务。自主产品已在院校实验室,工厂生产线、所等诸多行业和领域得到应用。 今后,我公司将以*产业为先导,以“创新、服务、诚信“为宗旨,开拓市场,积累经验、提高水平,为用户提供更丰富、更优质的服务。
全网10大黑彩平台是什么 Aisan4-portusB3.0h ostadar terspecificallydesignedforindustrialandv i s i o n applica ons. UsB3.0 or SuperSpeed USB, delivers up to ten mes the data rate ove......
全网10大黑彩平台是什么 产品信息

Most off-the-shelf usB3.0 cards implement mulple ports with a single USB3.0 controller which results in significant performance degrada on during mul-port opera on. To achieve maximum per-port performance, it has four independent Nec upD720202 USB3.0 Host Controllers and x4 PCl ExpressGen2interface to offer up to 5 Gbps bandwidth for each port,independently. in addi on to transfer data bandwidth advantage,it features on-board regulated 5v Dc power supply with a unique configurable 900mA1500mA current limit to supply stable 5V DC power to external usB devices. lt also supports software-programmable per-port power on/off control for fault recovery opera ons.
Combining high bandwidth, industrial-grade power design and reliable cable connec on, it brings convenience to interface USB30 devices opera ng under Windows XP, 7, 8, 10 and Linux.

x4 pcl Express Gen2 interface (2GB/s total bandwidth)
4-port by 4x NECupD720202 hostcontroller
On-board 5V DC regulated power supply, no external power needed
User-configurable 900mAand 1500mAcurrentlimit
Software-programmable per-port power on/ off control
Supports WindowsXP/7/8and Linux Compliant with
- Universal Serial Bus 3.0 specification Rev. 1.0
-IntelxHCI specification Rev.1.0

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