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  • 公司名称苏州工业园区艾舍尔环境技术有限公司
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  • 更新时间2023/4/2 11:37:28
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艾舍尔airsafer于2006年成立于中国新加坡合作经济开发区——苏州工业园区,艾舍尔致力于空气污染控制及改良的专业化企业,公司与国际、国内等多家企业及技术机构有着密切的合作伙伴关系,我们不仅为异味控制和环保企业提供技术、设备和原料,同时也为众多的工、商业终端客户提供各种场所的环境及空气改善服务。 airsafer用自然的方法摧毁异味,我们专业的研发团队由:专业的技术工程师、高校的科技人员组成,在气味控制领域我们有十几年的技术和经验积累,并与行业的研究机构有着合作,对臭气成份的特殊性,我们有的见解,并有针对性的对各种不同场所的异味进行分析、实验,从而开发出经济有效的适用产品。 雄厚的技术背景以及13年的空气异、臭味处理经验使得airsafer在环境改善和空气安全方面形成了的技术体系,帮助客户解决各种复杂的的室内空气安全隐患:酒店客房异味、更衣室换鞋间臭味、公共卫生间臭味…为您提供较佳的污染控制及空气改良方案。 公司成立13年多来为国内众多酒店、企业、等客户成功的提供了多个领域的空气改良方案:香氛香薰系统;酒店异味控制系统;厕所除臭;更衣室除臭;病死禽处理厂异味控制...
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Airsafer ACF超氧离子空气净化系统




Airsafer superoxide anion air purification system, absorbing and drawing lessons from the international advanced technology ion air purification technology research and development, after airsafer years, successfully developed the international cutting-edge technology of superoxide ion current, to achieve a high efficiency air man and machine with purification. It sets in the decoration pollution (such as formaldehyde, benzene, TVOC), sterilization, kill the virus, in addition to smoke, dust and deodorization in a body, is widely used in homes, offices, hotels, entertainment venues, schools, nursing homes, station, conference room, bank counter workshop, bio pharmaceutical, laboratory, hospital food, clean room, workshop, workshop, chemical waste station, sewage treatment plant, public toilet and all required sterilization and disinfection purification place.


Product introduction 在电场作用下,离子发生器产生大量的α粒子,α粒子与空气中的氧分子进行碰撞而形成正、负氧离子。正氧离子具有很强的氧化性N2+O2+N+O+非常快地转为氢质子水合物H+.H2Onn<>);而那些游离的自由电子很快附在氧上生成超氧基阴粒子3O2-,能在极短的时间内氧化、分解甲硫醇、氨、硫化氢、VOC等污染因子,最终生成二氧化碳和水等稳定无害的小分子。同时,负氧离子能破坏空气中细菌的生存环境,降低室内细菌浓度,带电离子可以吸附大于自身重量几十倍的悬浮颗粒,靠自重沉降下来,从而**空气中的悬浮胶体、**烟雾,达到净化空气的目的。

Under the action of the electric field, a large number of alpha particles are produced by the ion generator, and the alpha particles collide with the oxygen molecules in the air to form positive and negative oxygen ions. Oxygen ion has a strong oxidation of N2+, O2+, N+ and O+ are quickly converted to proton hydrate H+. (H2O) n (n<10); and="" those="" free="" electrons="" free="" quickly="" generate="" superoxide="" anion="" of="" 3o2-="" particles="" in="" oxygen,="" in="" a="" very="" short="" period="" of="" time,="" oxidation="" and="" decomposition="" of="" methyl="" mercaptan="" ammonia,="" hydrogen="" sulfide="" and="" voc="" pollution="" factor,="" finally="" produce="" small="" molecules="" such="" as="" carbon="" dioxide="" and="" water="" stable="" and="" harmless.="" at="" the="" same="" time,="" the="" negative="" oxygen="" ions="" can="" destroy="" bacteria="" in="" air="" environment,="" reduce="" the="" indoor="" concentration="" of="" bacteria,="" charged="" ions="" can="" be="" adsorbed="" is="" greater="" than="" its="" own="" weight="" suspended="" several="" times,="" by="" gravity="" settling="" down,="" thereby="" removing="" the="" colloidal="" suspension="" in="" the="" air,="" cigarette="" smoke,="" and="" achieve="" the="" purpose="" of="" purifying="" air.="">


Airsafer is a kind of superoxide anion purification system of air purification technology, airsafer by the most sophisticated in the world of air purification technology ---- superoxide anion group technology, high energy particle clusters produce superoxide ion generator to simulate natural air purification process, without adding any chemical substances, can thoroughly and completely eliminate all kinds of peculiar smell in the air, bacteria, kill the virus in the air, the removal of particulate matter and other harmful substances, safe and no two pollution, purification effect to the European standard.


1, support for continuous or intermittent operation;


2, ozone concentration is lower than international standards, no stimulation of the respiratory system, no corrosion on the pipeline and equipment;


3, the ion concentration reached 2 million /m3, the concentration of the adjustable four;


4, the service life of more than 25000 hours, the main equipment life of more than 15 years


Third, function


Effectively kill bacterial viruses: mold, influenza virus, avian influenza virus, SARS virus, and so on


Complete decomposition of organic chemical pollutants: formaldehyde, benzene, TVOC, ether and other volatile organic compounds


Get rid of all kinds of odors: > organic odor, odor, urine odor, musty, rotting smell etc.


Settlement of inhalable particles: smoke, dust, dander, solid sulfide, solid carbide, etc.


1 superoxide ion sterilization, dust removal


1.1airsafer superoxide ion reaction section can produce high energy, high concentration of ions, which are oxygen ions can penetrate the bacterial cell wall, inside the cell wall, cell damage the balance of electrolyte, damage to the cell membrane, lead to rapid death of bacteria.


The oxygen ion group produced by the reaction of superoxide ion reaction of 1.2airsafer has a strong oxidation activity, which can make the biological macromolecules such as DNA, ANA strand break, so that the molecular structure of the protein changes, thereby killing microorganisms.


1.3 of the dust in the air is not only depend on bacterial breeding conditions, and has the effect of spreading bacteria, especially the respirable dust diameter of 0.5 ~ 10 micron, can be suspended in the air for long periods of time when the inhaled lung will produce great harm. After the ionic reaction section will take charge of dust, and charged dust interactions are combined into larger particles, it is easy to remove the filter, or to the ground in the fall with the action of gravity, reducing the probability of the spread of bacteria by dust.


1.4 technical features: non-toxic without any side effects. Completely beyond the traditional ozone and other air purifiers, in the presence of people in the environment of continuous sterilization, dust, non-toxic side effects on the human body. Can kill in the air to intercept a broad spectrum of various bacteria, testing for Legionella, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, and natural bacteria killing rate reached more than 99.9%, the effective removal of inhalable particles, reached 1~10 million level of cleanliness.


2, airsafer plasma superoxide eliminating chemical pollution of harmful odor


2.1 primary electrons are accelerated in the electric field, the oxygen molecules in the impinging air. When the energy exceeds the ionization potential of the oxygen molecule, the oxygen molecules rapidly ionize. Loss of oxygen molecules into electronic positive oxygen ions (O2+), and the release of electronic and other neutral oxygen molecules into negative oxygen ion (O2), the result is the two level of differentiation and oxygen ion adsorption of oxygen molecules to form O2+, O2, O2 and other oxygen aggregation of ionic groups. Has strong oxidation, can be in a very short period of time will pollute the harmful components in the air oxidation of decomposed into harmless products and water;


2.2 in the high energy plasma superoxide action, resulting in a large number of ions and free radicals, hydroxyl radicals, generation mechanism is as follows:


O2+e (3.6eV) - O+O H2O+e5.09eV→•OH+H     H2O+e (5.09eV) - OH+H -


O+ • OH • OH2


The results showed that the oxidation potential (2.8eV) of active free radical - OH was 35% higher than that of highly oxidizing ozone (2.07eV). • the reaction rate of OH radical with organic matter is several orders of magnitude higher. And the reaction of OH radicals to the oxidation of pollutants is not selective

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