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  • 公司名称上海荣计达仪器科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       号QPM
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  • 更新时间2023/6/3 13:08:08
  • 访问次数280

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上海荣计达仪器科技有限公司注册地址位于上海市奉贤区肖塘路255弄10号2层,注册机关为奉贤区市场监督管理局,法人代表为王秀锋,经营范围包括从事仪器科技领域内的技术开发、技术咨询、技术服务、技术转让,仪器仪表制造、加工(以上限分支机构经营),仪器仪表、实验室设备、五金交电、机电设备、机械设备、模具的批发、零售,机械设备(除特种设备)、实验室设备、机电设备的安装、维修。 【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】
1. Product introduction: It is a testing instrument that can be used as a special physical performance testing instrument for the paint, coating, and ink industries. The whole machine is compact in st......
注册送金币的条件是什么 产品信息
1. Product introduction: It is a testing instrument that can be used as a special physical performance testing instrument for the paint, coating, and ink industries. The whole machine is compact in structure, simple in appearance, convenient to change the number of revolutions and load, and easy to install and disassemble off-duty trays. It adopts LCD screen to display, convenient parameter setting. The flat grinder is an instrument in the ** standard GB5211.19 "The Visual Comparison Method for the Determination of the Relative Tinting Strength and Dilutedness of Paints".

★荷 载: 43 kg 64kg 100kg
★砝码重量: 1.75kg 3.5kg 6.42kg
★电源电压: 220VAC 50HZ
★ 玻璃盘转速:75 转/分±5转/分
★外形尺寸: 580*360*480mm
2. Technical parameters:
★Diameter of Grinding Disc: 240mm
★Load: 43 kg 64kg 100kg
★The weight of the weight: 1.75kg 3.5kg 6.42kg
★Power supply voltage: 220VAC 50HZ
★ Rotation speed of glass plate: 75 rpm ± 5 rpm
★Display range of setting laps: 1~9999
★Display range of the number of revolutions: 0~9999
★Display range of accumulated times: 0~9999
★Dimensions: 580*360*480mm
★Weight: about 80kg
★Motor power: 0.75kw

3. Operation steps:
★Put the quantitative sample and blending agent on the lower grinding disc, use the knife to adjust the pulp, then move the blended pulp to the ** position of the lower grinding disc, and put down the upper grinding disc, so that the positioning shaft core and the positioning block are buckled , Then move the eccentric handle to the lower plate, and hang the required weights.
★When closing the power switch of the controller, the buzzer will make a beep.
★The LCD screen displays the boot screen:
★Press the "Set" button on the keyboard to enter the ten-thousand digit of the set number of laps. At this time, the ten-thousand digit is flashing. Press the "▲" key to increase the ten-thousand digit value by 1, and press the "?" Press the "OK" key to confirm the set number of laps and enter the function operation. But the set number of laps is not 0, otherwise it will display "input set number of laps" and reset. The function key cannot be pressed during the setting of the number of laps, otherwise the set number of laps will be displayed and reset. If you find that the number of laps is wrong when you press the "OK" button, you can press the "Set" button to reset it. If you are sure that the set number of laps is correct, press the "Run" key, and the motor will start to run at this time. Every turn. The "number of revolutions" automatically accumulates by 1. When the number of running laps is the same as the set number of laps, the motor will automatically stop running. At this time, the buzzer emits a "di di di" alarm sound, and the "accumulated number of times" automatically increases by 1. At this time, pull the eccentric handle to separate the upper and lower grinding discs, pull the positioning handle outwards and push up at the same time, open the upper grinding disc, and observe the sample.
★If you run again according to the number of laps set last time,** directly press the "Run" button; if you want to stop in the middle, you can press the "Stop" button. If "Clear A", the "Running Number A" counter will be automatically cleared; if "Clear B", the "Accumulative Times B" counter will be automatically cleared, and a beep will be emitted at the same time. To continue working, just press the "Run" button, and the machine will continue to run until it reaches the set number of laps.
★If the machine needs to run for a long time, the counter should be stopped. At this time, "Running laps" will display "STOP"; if you don't want to run for a long time, **press the "stop counting" button again, and the machine** will return to the original counting state.
★If the "set" button is pressed during machine operation, the whole machine will stop running. At the same time, the 10,000 digits of "Set the number of laps" flash, and the values ​​of "Zero A" and "Zero B" are flashing.
★If water cooling is needed, connect the water nozzle of the upper grinding disc.
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