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Silkroad24 于1999年在德国Braunschweig市成立。成立之初,德国Silkroad24 即“丝绸之路全天候”作为欧洲德语区(德国,奥地利,瑞士等)多家著名自动化中小企业 的中国区代理,主要负责其中国市场的开发以及销售管理。
2006 年Silkroad24希而科公司在上海张江高新科技园成立,其发展目标是成为 国内*的欧洲自动化仪器仪表,备品备件供应商。时至今日,我们在中邦商务园 拥有办公面积2000多平米,仅德国给我们供货的德国厂家已达5000多家,应用领域包 括钢厂、电厂、化工、汽车、机械、流体、自动控制等行业。公司实行严格的德式 管理,内部分为业务部,后勤部,技术部,IT部等。组织结构清晰,分工明确,公 司工程师都是本科及本科以上学历,提供选型,商务加售后服务,并指导安装调 试。ERP系统做单,可以提供订单全程查询。德国法兰克福仓库拼货,为客户节约 了成本,提高了采购效率。我们直接与欧洲厂家,快捷,有效的沟通,提供 100% 原装正品,真正做到了让客户服务满意,采购放心。
带有波登管,膜片或膜盒测量系统的一般压力表,绝大压表和差压表已经接受无数次检验。 这些仪表的测量范围从0...2.5mbar至0...7000bar,精度等级可达0.1%并且可以配备机械的或电子的附件,也可以结合不同结构的化学密封来实现不同的测量目的。
DescriptionThese high-quality pressure switches have been developed especially for safety-critical applications. The high quality of the products and manufacturing in accordance with ISO 9001 ensure reliable monitoring of your plant. In production, the switches are traced by quality assurance software at every step and subsequently are 100 % tested. All wetted materials are from stainless steel as a standard.In order to ensure as flexible operation as possible, the pressure switches are fitted with microswitches, which enable the switching of an electrical load of up to AC 250 V, 20 A directly. For lower switching power ratings, such as for PLC applications, argon gas-filled microswitches with gold-plated contacts can be selected.Depending on the application, the appropriate variant for the contact version and the electrical connection can be selected; e.g. adjustable dead band instead of fixed dead band is often a feature necessary for control processes.For applications with special requirements on the wetted parts, a version with Monel is available.By using a Bourdon tube measuring system, the model BWX pressure switch is extremely robust and guarantees optimal operating characteristics and the highest measuring performances, with repeatability lower than 0.5 % of span.For safety applications, the pressure switch is optionally available in a SIL 2-qualified or a SIL 3-qualified version
希而科火热销售WIKA BWX 系列 压力开关
希而科火热销售WIKA BWX 系列 压力开关