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  • 公司名称东莞市凌圣五金机电有限公司
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  • 更新时间2023/6/19 9:49:54
  • 访问次数169

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凌圣机电科技(上海-东莞-成都-天津),成立于2005年,专注为中国制造业提供德国、日本及欧盟传动类工业品配件、技术支持和解决方案,拥有近15年的工业品技术服务经验。目前已获得德国ELBE联轴器、德国Wippermann链条、德国Murtfeldt链条导轨、森科嘉SENQCIA链条、日精Nissei GTR减速机、SPG减速电机、德国ETP联轴器等品牌代理证书。公司在德国设立分公司,拥有与德国原厂技术对接、商务淡判、大宗交易。可直接为国内制造企业输入*与服务。
采用500万超高分子聚乙烯制作加工而成,高耐磨,耐高温,自润滑,适用各种链条的导向作用;高耐磨、耐温、精密、稳固、无声、环保等高精度的链条导向;采用500万超高分子量耐磨,耐温工程塑料"S","S1000"材料,具有经济,无污染特性;磨损小.摩擦阻力小;自行润滑.(不需任何润滑油) ;具有抗冲击性.使用温度范围-200~+80℃;具有减震作用,在潮湿环境下不易受潮;具有高的抗化学性能.有抗腐蚀性。
伟德投注站 产品信息

Kytola仪器是现代的,但同时又是是一家传统的制造商和测量仪器的。它是一个独立的家族企业,用的诚信服务所有客户。Kytola公司成立于1945年。主要目标是生产高品质和功能的测量仪器。根据这个目标Kytola 稳步增长,在过去的几十年里,产品用于世界各地的国际公司。广泛应用于纸浆、造纸、金属和化工领域。

芬兰kytola instruments流量计、kytola instruments多管流量表、kytola instruments多管流量计、kytola instruments、kytola instruments压力计、kytola instruments止回阀、kytola instruments椭圆齿轮流量计、kytola instruments密封液体显示器

Model SLM
Model SLM is an accurate, efficient and reliable flow meter that is specially designed for applications where uninterrupted seal water flow is required. Proper adjustment of flow and pressure will result in significant water and energy savings.

The strong and compact design ensures maximum resistance to external impact. The SLM has been optimized to withstand contaminated water and it comes with a built-in flow tube cleaner. Its reliable and accurate flow measurement is based on a variable area metering principle using a free-floating float.

The SLM comes in many different models, which guarantees compatibility with all seal types. The SLM can also be easily equipped with an alarm output by installing an inductive proximity sensor. Typical applications are flushing and purge water applications, gland packings, single and double mechanical seals.

Model SLMx-2
The dual tube model SLMx-2 is an accurate, efficient and reliable flow meter that is specially designed for applications where uninterrupted seal water flow is required. Proper adjustment of flow and pressure will result in significant water and energy savings. Our strong and compact design ensures maximum resistance to external impact.

The SLM has been optimized to withstand contaminated water and it comes with a built-in flow tube cleaner. Its reliable and accurate flow measurement is based on a variable area metering principle using a free-floating float.

The SLM comes in many different models, which guarantees compatibility with all seal types. The SLM can also be easily equipped with an alarm output by installing an inductive proximity sensor. Typical applications are double mechanical seals.

VLK-7405+2914-D/VL、SLM8-GH03-G 09EN
KK-4AA-D0-40L/min medium H20
1LK-M30-FR10-55VDC 400MA, D15MM, two-wire NFIP67, with NC function, IFM
VLK-7415-D range 3-17L/min、VLK-7410-D range 3-10L/min
2914D-6/VL connection with VL-type flow meter adapter
pe flow meter adapter
KA-PE02-D range13 l/min alarm7.8 l/min
KA-PE01-D range23 l/min alarm13.8 l/min
Kytola SLM3-GP/0.1-3L/min, 0-10bar
VDK-BD05-D, 0-8 l/min、KK-4EA-D, 10-120L/min
MODEL 2914D-6/VL VLK-7405-D;5L/MIN

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