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  • 公司名称青岛青山传动轴有限责任公司
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  • 更新时间2023/11/10 15:45:00
  • 访问次数227

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青岛青山传动轴有限责任公司坐落于美丽的海滨城市---青岛。公司创建于1998年,注册资金1000万元,厂房面积6000㎡,专业从事十字轴式万向轴以及鼓形齿式联轴器的研发、生产和销售。经过20多年的艰苦创业和市场磨砺,公司已通过了ISO 9001质量体系认证。产品广泛应用于船舶、冶金、造纸、矿山、电力、石油、橡胶、起重、锻压、工程运输等行业,出口到澳大利亚、加拿大、土耳其、塞尔维亚、俄罗斯、印度尼西亚、菲律宾等国家。 Qingdao Kingshaft transmission Co.,ltd was founded in 1998, with a registered capital of 10 million Yuan and an area of 6000 square meters, located in a beautiful seaside city— Qingdao, Shandong. The Company majors in the design, manufacturing, marketing and service of industrial universal joint shaft, gear coupling.After 20 years of hard work and market improvement, the company passed the ISO9001 quality management system certification. Our products are widely used in such applications as rolling mills, paper mills, rubber and plastic mills, petroleum, shipping, metallurgy,mining, locomotives, power plants and others. The products are exported to Australia, Canada, Turkey, Russia, Serbia, Indonesia, Philippines, etc. 我们以“专业、诚信、准时”为经营宗旨,以严格的管理流程、专业的技术人才、现代化高科技生产设备、*的生产工艺、优质的原材料、完善的检测手段保证了可靠的产品质量,同时也保证了交货的及时。我们的工程师还将在售后与客户紧密合作,听取他们的意见和建议,并给予他们专业意见。我们凭借持续增强的创新能力,规范、快速、灵活的服务模式赢得了客户的信任与合作。 We take the "Professional, Faithful, Punctual" as the purpose, with strict management process, professional technical personnel, modern high-tech production equipment, advanced production technology, high-quality raw materials, strict inspection method guaranteed the reliable products quality, and also guaranteed the delivery in time. After sales, our service engineers will work closely with our clients, listening to their comments and suggestions and giving them professional advice. We have gained the trust and cooperation of our customers with our innovative, standardized, fast and flexible service model. 我们正通过不懈的努力保持的产品质量和追求客户99%的满意,未来我们仍将砥砺前行,应对挑战,将优质的产品推向世界。 Looking into the future, Kingshaft is shouldering heavy responsibility and has a long way to go. Our goal is to maintain superior product quality and total customer satisfaction, which we strive to ensure through relentless pursuits of engineering perfection and innovation.
轧钢机械联轴器被广泛应用在轧钢机械中,青岛青山传动轴生产的焊管设备机械联轴器属于十字轴式万向联轴器。轧钢机械联轴器产品特点 1、锻打45钢为产品质量打下坚实基础
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2、具有较大的角度补偿能力, 轴线折角,轴线折角一般可在10°~35°范围之间。
优质毛胚 法兰叉头、焊接叉采用35CrMo,调质处理提高机械性能
精密加工 加工中心、数控车等设备保证了零部件的加工精度
工艺 特制的工装模具提高了效率,保证了零部件的同心度、相交度、垂直度
结构优化 锻造的花键轴采用渐开线形式,内花键用线切割加工,配合无间隙,提高扭矩和传动效率
运行平稳 每个零部件的同心度保证后,用全自动焊机联接,使万向轴整体的同轴度在0.5mm,运行更稳定,临界转速可达4000转/分钟。
检测手段 动平衡仪、硬度计、探伤仪、三坐标测量仪,保证每条万向轴的品质。
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