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  • 公司名称天津金镭科技有限公司
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  • 所  在  地天津市
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  • 更新时间2024/1/14 20:34:03
  • 访问次数136

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Kimray公司由Garman O. Kimmel生于1948年创建,公司总部设在Oklahoma City,USA。在油气控制产品及阀类工业拥有多项技术,是世界气体工业和石油化工领域内高品质阀门和控制器的制造商,其广泛的产品线,为需求不断增长的气体工业和石油化工领域内的生 产商、运输商和分销商提供了更新颖、更经济、更可靠的产品标 准。荣誉比金银更珍贵,优质的产品,周到的服务,深入的开发,的设计,这就是凯姆镭公司的现在与未来! Kimray(凯姆镭)的产品在中国油气田中的应用,有着悠久的历史。在在上世纪80年代就已随着跨国性的油服公司的设备进入了中国,赢得了很好的市场口碑。2005年Kimray(凯姆镭)公司建立了在中国的服务机构,为中国的用户提供市场宣传、技术服务、产品销售、产品维修的本地化服务。十年间Kimray(凯姆镭)的业务保持着快速的增长。
天下九州新书 产品信息
Direct semi-throttle; Pilot Output Pressure (Yellow) increases with temperature rise.
Low temperature shut down, direct action temperature controller requiring semi-throttling direct action.
For piped vent in Direct or Indirect mode.
WORKING PRESSURE (sensing element):
psig kg/cm2
500 35.15 max. without Separable Socket
4000 281.23 max. with Separable Socket
7000 492.15 max. with Special Separable Socket
Separable Socket is an extra price item and must be ordered separately, if desired. To order Separable Sockets refer to Table of Contents
-30°F minimum To 400°F maximum
-34°C minimum to 204°C maximum
5 to 30 psig
.35 to 2.11 kg/cm2

This Thermostat Base Assembly consists of a STAINLESS TUBE for monitoring the changing temperature, which is connected by a Low Expansion Alloy Rod to a DIAPHRAGM ASSEMBLY. The differential pressure across the Diaphragm combined with the changes in the length of the STAINLESS TUBE semi-throttle a PILOT PLUG valve. The PILOT PLUG consists of two stainless balls rigidly connected together. The seat at BALL 1 is the pressure vent (Yellow to Atmosphere).The seat at BALL 2 is the Supply Pressure inlet (Violet to Yellow).
Assume the set temperature of the Thermostat is above that of the system. The Inlet at BALL 2 is closed and the vent at BALL 1 is open. Output Pressure (Yellow) is vented away so that no signal is being sent to the Pilot or Motor Valve.
As the temperature rises in the system, the STAINLESS TUBE increases in length to move the Thermostat Diaphragm Assembly in a direction to first close the seat at BALL 1 (Yellow to Atmosphere) and open the seat at BALL 2 (Violet to Yellow). Output Pressure (Yellow) increases and acts on the DIAPHRAGM accounts for the semi-throttle action of the
Thermostat. Output Pressure (Yellow) increases to cause the
desired Pilot or Motor Valve action.
As the temperature decreases, the action is reversed to decrease or vent Output Pressure(Yellow).
By reversing the Vent and Supply lines, the Thermostat can be made to act in an indirect throttle mode, Pilot Output Pressure decreases with temperature rise. In this mode the “DA” Thermostat acts identical to the standard T 12 Thermostat with
the exception of being able to pipe the vent line away from the thermostat.

货号 描述 温度(F) 温度(C) 维修包
H0116 T 12 DA 400 204 R1211
H0118 T 18 DA 400 204 R1211

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