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  • 公司名称北京泰瑞美达科技发展有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       号
  • 所  在  地北京市
  • 厂商性质其他
  • 更新时间2024/4/21 10:19:14
  • 访问次数107

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北京泰瑞美达科技发展有限公司成立于2002年,是一家专业提供工业检测仪器以及相关技术服务的公司。 公司主要服务于电力、环保、石油、化工、冶金等行业。 凭借技术、信息、产品以及价格的优势,泰瑞美达科技在市场开发上取得了良好的成绩,与广大客户建立了稳定、良好的业务关系,同时公司也得到了迅速的发展。 泰瑞美达科技自2006年起成为 AMETEK 校准仪器在中国区的代理商,目前已经成为 AMETEK STC 在国内的主要代理商之一,主要代理销售 AMETEK 旗下 JOFRA、Crystal、M&G 等品牌产品。 泰瑞美达真诚地希望通过为用户提供国内外的产品和技术,更好地服务于国内所需的行业和部门,并上促进国内相关行业与企业的进步和发展。 秉承着客户至上的工作宗旨,泰瑞美达将始终以踏实严谨的工作作风和开拓进取的专业精神,为每一位客户提供一站式、专业优质的产品与服务。
产品名称:王牌互娱棋牌官网313.1客服指定官方版有什么活动.中国产品型号:ASC Series 生产厂商:AMETEK JOFRA(美国)产品简介:The JOFRA ASC301 & ASC321 are portable process signal calibrators that provide the functionality and accuracy you expect from a......
王牌互娱棋牌官网313.1客服指定官方版有什么活动.中国 产品信息
» Multi-function signal calibrator
With its robust custom housing, the ASC series is ideal for both field and workshop use. These calibrators are the process engineer’s best friend

» Documenting calibrator
The ASC321 provides a paperless calibration flow when combined with our wellknown JOFRACAL calibration software

» Input and output
RTD: 14 types, TC: 13 types, Current: 0-24 mA DC, Voltage: 0-20 VDC, Frequency: 0 to 10 Khz, Pulse: train output, Resistance: 5 to 4000 Ohm

» Simultaneous read-back
Including isolated read-back from deviceunder-test of mA, V and pressure

» Calibrate pressure
Add on a JOFRA APM pressure module to create a full-featured pressure calibrator that can perform a semi-automatic leak-test, pressure-switch calibration and more

» Calibrate temperature
Use the ASC together with a JOFRA temperature calibrator to add measurement channels for sensors or temperature switches

» Measure temperature
The ASC series can be used as a highaccuracy thermometer that works with RTDs and CvD equations, to obtain true

» Optimal read out visability
Large ClearBrite™ display

» Fast RTD simulation
Quick enough to work with pulsed transmitters and PLCs

The JOFRA ASC301 & ASC321 are portable process signal calibrators that provide the functionality and accuracy you expect from a laboratory calibration system, yet packed in a compact design that can fit into your tool box. These calibrators are easy to use and can be operated with one
hand for field use.

The ASC321 is a full documenting calibrator, using predefined work orders from JOFRACAL. This ensures easy documentation and reduces the possibilities for errors when calibrating in the field.

The ASC series does more than just calibrate signals. Combined with the APM external pressure module or a JOFRA dry block calibrator, an ASC will calibrate pressure and temperature and, if used together with JOFRACAL, document it as well. For workshop use a DC power supply/charger is available.

The full numerical keypad, series of function keys and cursor keys, provide a simple and quick user interface. The new ClearBriteTM graphical display offers the best possible viewing.

The high accuracy of the ASC series has not been achieved on account of fragile measurements or source circuitries, both the ASC301 & ASC321 have fuseless protection ? this might save you a calibrator, as well as lowers your cost of ownership.

在找 王牌互娱棋牌官网313.1客服指定官方版有什么活动.中国 产品的人还在看
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