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起动液配方 Prescription on Startup Liquid

滑环电机起动与工作过程中,一旦遇到堵转 , 电压降过大,压负荷、电压低,机械卡死等特殊情况时,因速度降低,里面的触头,片与片压力减轻,导电不良,液体发热出现向外喷液现象。喷液少只补充纯净水,几乎喷光时才采用以下起动液配方来补充液体。 In the process of slip ring motor startup and operation, once the abnormal condition occurs, such as the rotation is holdup, voltage step down is too much, low volt load and electric current, mechanical block, etc, due to its low speed, the feeler, pressure between sheets reduced, result in poor electric conduction, the liquid become hot and spray to outside, when the spraying amount is less, only pure water shall be supplemented; the liquid prescription shall be used only when the liquid spraying is almost exhausted.


原料: A ,片状固体原料与防冻液汇合(调阻) B ,棉絮状固体原料与酒精汇合(防腐)

The function of centrifugal air release valve: when the plug is holdup, it can be used to press the valve to release the air. The centrifugal force produced by motor rotation will open the valve, the inner/outer air leads the air in and out, dismantle the air release valve, the water can be added in and drains out, the liquid level height can be seen by watching of red marks on rod of the air release valve.

Raw material: A: flake-shape solid raw material mixed with antifreeze (adjust the resistance);

B: Cotton wool-shaped solid raw material mixed with alcohol (anticorrosion);

1. 冬季方案:(防冻液配方) Scheme in winter season: (antifreeze ingredient)

先将固体 A 溶解到 12 公斤 的防冻液中,再将 B 溶解到 1 公斤 酒精(白酒也可替代)中。 A 溶液与 B 溶液混合后添加到无刷自控电机液阻起动器中,混合溶液zui多应加到起动器容器的 90% 。加多时会通过离心排气阀甩出来。 The solid A shall be dissolved into the 12kg antifreeze, and then solid B shall be dissolved into 1kg alcohol (the distilled spirit can be used as substitute). The mixture of A & B solution shall be added into the starter, and the max amount to be added in the starter container shall be up to 90%.

2. 夏季方案:(不防冻配方)先将固体 A 溶解到 12 公斤 纯净水(矿泉水)中,再将 B 溶解到 1 公斤 酒精(白酒也可替代)中。 A 溶液与 B 溶液混合后添加到无刷自控电机液阻起动器中。注意看液面线。

2. Scheme in summer season: (non-freeze ingredient):

The solid A shall be dissolved into the 12kg pure water (mineral water), and then solid B shall be dissolved into 1kg alcohol (the distilled spirit can be used as substitute). The mixture of A & B solution shall be added into the starter, pay attention to watch the liquid surface level.

3. 说明:每工作 2-3 周要通过液位观察孔(或离心排气阀)来确认一下是否需要添加起动液。如需补充少量液体时,添加纯净水或矿泉水即可;运行器里的液体一旦喷液剩余少量液体时, 应启用起动液配方配置方案。一般只添加软水就可以了。

3. Description: Every 2 ~ 3 weeks operation, watch the liquid level orifice (or centrifugal air release) to determine whether the start liquid needs to be added in. If small amount of liquid needs to be added in, the pure water or mineral water can be used; once a small amount of liquid remains in the starter due to spraying, the scheme of starter prescription shall be used. The soft water shall be used commonly.


The starter liquid will be ready prior to the ex-work of product based on the condition of voltage/ current on motor s rotator, and it can be installed and used upon the customer received the product.

4. 注意: 1 ),如果运行器中严重缺液。*、不能保证正常起动;第二、严重损坏触头。因缺液引起的烧坏部件问题不在保修之列。 2 ),环境温度低于零下 5 度时要启用防冻液配方。

4. Notice:

(1) If shortage of liquid is seriously in the starter, it’s unable to ensure normal starting firstly; the feeler will be seriously damaged. Secondly, the warranty for repair shall not be offered for the parts damaged resulting from lack of liquid.

(2) The antifreeze prescription shall be used if the ambient temperature is less than – 5 .

无刷自控电机液阻起动器圆周上带两个离心式排气阀的属于实用新型:申请号: 200920092058.8 。名称:一种无刷自控电机液阻启动器 .

Two centrifugal air release valves on the starter circle belong to practical patent of new model: Patent application No. 200920092058.8; Name: brushless self-control motor starter with liquid resistance.

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