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  • 公司名称深圳市美佳特科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       号MX829001A
  • 所  在  地深圳市
  • 厂商性质经销商
  • 更新时间2016/11/5 20:24:49
  • 访问次数619
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深圳市美佳特科技有限公司成立于2010年,是一家专业电子仪器仪表销售,租赁,维修,回收,系统解决方案的科技公司。仪器仪表的品牌包括:Keysight/Agilent/HP,NI,R&S,Keithey.泰克,力科,,安立,爱得万,横河,安腾,马可尼(IFR),Exfo等品牌,美佳特公司主要的产品包括:光纤通信仪器,频谱分析仪,网络分析仪,无线综合测试仪,逻辑分析仪,阻抗分析仪,信号源,信号发生器,信号分析仪,光示波器,眼图仪,频率计,万用表,电子与负载等高品质的仪器仪表,RF测试头,测试线,射频同轴连接器,测试卡,数据采集卡,PCI-GPIB卡,GPIB HUB,USB-GPIB卡以及各式进口RF测试头,HRS广濑测试头,村田测试线,村田转接器。专业的技术及优质性价等方面都处于同行业先地位。



什么网址注册了会送彩金马来西亚weepMasters Pro Plus
什么网址注册了会送彩金马来西亚 产品信息

MX829001A跟踪管理工具 MX829001A  SweepMasters Pro PlusCapture Anritsu cable, antenna, and PIM sweepsBulk upload automates trace data entryAutomated trace renamingCapture site build documents including:"Asbuilt drawings"Site work photosPermitsWork ordersStructural analysisOther required documentsVerify that limits are met on Anritsu cable, antenna, and PIM sweepsAutomated pass/fail trace judgments - Red/Green indicationsAccept/reject tools for trace reviewersAutomatic notifications for sweep test personnelFraud protectionManage the build processKeep current on build progressApprove or reject documents and traces by construction phase and siteGive or withhold site acceptanceCommunicate decisions immediay to construction crewsMay choose automatic notifications of project eventsReport with one button pressNetwork operator acceptable formatCreates report from current site informationReports segregated by construction phase, site, and projectSite access instructionsHospital locationsKey contactsThe Sweep Master Pro+ is Anritsu's advanced enterprise level solution for efficient tracking and management of building, maintenance, and operations processes for a wireless network, which inherently generates large numbers of traces, documents, and reports. Sweep Master Pro+ Capabilities Capture, Verify, Manage, and ReportThe Pro+ has all the site access, trace capture and trace verification capabilities of the Pro. Plus, it has enhanced document capture capabilities, project management capabilities, and complete reporting capabilities. The Pro+ simplifies project management, shortens rework time, and dramatically eases reporting tasks.The Sweep Master Pro captures cable, antenna, and PIM traces from both before and after the site work is done. The Sweep Master Pro:Allows bulk upload of cable, antenna, and PIM tracesThis means that users need not manually identify each trace to the software. The trace upload process takes seconds instead of hours.Automatically converts field names to final namesConverts short, predefined, work site names to final file, trace title, and sub-title names.Saves hours per site, considering that hundreds of file names, trace titles and trace subtitles are involved for each tower. Document Capture In addition to trace capture and verification, the Pro+ can capture build documents such as:"Asbuilt" drawingsSite work photosPermitsWork ordersStructural analysisOther required documents as needed Anritsu Sweep Master, Captures Cable, Antenna, and PIM sweepsSweep Master Pro Capabilities, Capturing Traces Verifying TracesAutomatically sets markers and limit lines to customer's standardsEnsures that markers and limit lines are set to the network operators' standard before submittalEnsures that pass/fail judgments are accurate.Accept/Reject tools for trace reviewersRed Sweep/Green Sweep pass/fail indicationTrace review capabilityTrace notesAutomatic notifications for sweep test personnelQuicker rework time Site Access InstructionsHospital LocationsKey contactsAccess instructions These capabilities create efficiency and raise the bar on quality by cutting the hours needed to sweep, capture, verify and create a sweep report by 75% or more, while at the same time, ensuring that the information is processed accuray and consistently. This can lower the over all cost of the project and ensure a high quality product. This is working smarter, not harder.ManageSince every document and trace has its place, indexed by type, project phase, and site, it is easy to keep track of project progress. It’s also easy to spot missing documents. Designated decision makers can accept or reject individual traces, documents, or the entire site. Everyone with access, including tower crews, has visibility of these actions and may even be notified by . Automatic notifications allow rework to start quickly and reduce overall project time.The Pro+ allows con

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