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  • 公司名称上海挺扬自控阀门制造有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       号TQ641F
  • 所  在  地上海
  • 厂商性质生产厂家
  • 更新时间2024/7/23 8:34:34
  • 访问次数1538
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为了适应市场需求,为用户提供更加方便快捷的服务,公司在上海奉贤海湾工业园区成立 , 并正在积极扩大我们的分销网络,公司本着 满足客户需求为已任 的经营思想,为客户提供高品质的流体控制产品、技术和服务,解决流体控制领域的疑难问题。能提供各种压力等级和口径的控制阀以及根据用户特殊要求定制的阀门,广泛应用于油气、化工和石化、电力、食品和造纸和冶金等行业的常规和关键部位。公司拥有专业和创新精神的销售和技术人员,依托完善的 ISO9001 质量管理体系, 为客户提供专业化的各类服务和产品。
上海挺扬自控阀门制造有限公司的专业技术 , 能为各种Z复杂和要求Z严格的流体控制需求提供*解决方案。


    上海挺扬自控阀门正以雄厚的实力逐步占领国内阀门市场(尤其是环保自控阀门市场), 产品销售网络遍布各地。Shanghai's Yang automatic control valve manufacturing Co., LTD. Is a Shanghai instrument group, is located in the beautiful enterprises directly under the international metropolis, Shanghai industrial zone, the gulf elegant environment, convenient transportation. Dedicated to the industrial process control valve of research and development, production, first-class technology promotion, instrument control automation engineering services and technical services of professional supplier. The company aims to be the domestic oil industry, chemical industry, electric power, metallurgy, natural gas and environmental protection engineering industry provide high-end regulator, the most cost-effective flow control solutions.
Shanghai's Yang automatic control valve manufacturing Co., LTD. Is the holding company of Shanghai instrument group, is a set of product sales, logistics, warehousing at an organic whole, its to the project investment, industrial development, import and export trade-oriented integrated company. The company in Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, India offices and for energy industry provide automation equipment manufacturing base.
In order to meet the market demand, for the user to provide a more convenient and fast service, the company in Shanghai fengxian gulf industrial park set up, and are actively expand our distribution network, the company in line with "meets the customer need to have any" business ideas, provides the high quality for the customer the fluid control products, technology and service, solve the difficult problem of fluid control field. Can provide all kinds of pressure levels and diameter and control valves according to user's special demand, the valve is widely used in oil and gas, chemical and petrochemical, power, food and paper and metallurgy industries conventional and key parts. The company has professional and innovative spirit sales and technical personnel, and relying on the ISO9001 quality management system, to provide professional all kinds of services and products.
Shanghai's Yang automatic control valve manufacturing Co., LTD, the professional technology for all kinds of the most complex and requirements of the most stringent fluid control needs to provide comprehensive solutions.
Shanghai's Yang automatic control valve manufacturing Co., LTD is specialized in the production and sales, including gate valve, cut-off valve, ball valves, butterfly valves, check valves, the regulator, hydraulic control valves, lining rubber lining valve, piston valve, traps and other kinds of valve products. (have anticorrosive series, automatic control series). The products are widely used in petroleum, chemical industry, electric power, papermaking, foodstuff, pharmacy, water supply and drainage engineering company. By various industries user's consistent high praise.
Automatic control valve is a Yang with abundant strength gradually occupied domestic valve market (especially environmental control valve market), the product sale network spreads all over the world.

气动调节球阀 调节气动球阀 亚洲城市gdp排名榜 气动调节球阀批发 是由气动执行器和O型球阀,定位器组成。单作用的气动执行器在动力源发生故障时,可以按照系统设定的要求自动处于开启或者关闭的位置,双作用气动执行器,在断气后保持。 特别适用于介质是粘稠、含颗粒、纤维性质的场合,目前该气动切断球阀广泛用于石油、化工、冶金、轻工、造纸、电站、制冷等工作领域。
亚洲城市gdp排名榜 产品信息

气动调节球阀 调节气动球阀 亚洲城市gdp排名榜 气动调节球阀批发 零部件材料

零件名称 材料名称
阀体 WCB 304(CF8) 316(CF8M) 316L(CF3M)
球体 2Cr13+氮化处理 304 316 316L
阀杆 2Cr13 304 316 316L
密封圈 聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)、增强聚四氟乙烯(PPL)、对位聚苯、柔性石墨
适用介质 水、气体、蒸汽、油品等 硝酸等腐蚀性介质 醋酸等腐蚀介质 尿素等腐蚀性介质

气动调节球阀 调节气动球阀 亚洲城市gdp排名榜 气动调节球阀批发 技术参数

公称通径(mm) 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 125 150 200 250 300
流量系数Kv 21 38 72 112 170 273 384 512 940 1452 2222 3589 5128 7359
公称压力(MPa) PN1.6、2.5、4.0、6.4MPa
泄漏量 软密封:零泄漏;硬密封:≤额定流量的10-5
阀体形式 两段式阀体(浮动球体) 两段式阀体(固定球体)
阀芯形式 "O"型球形阀芯
密封填料 聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)、金属石墨缠绕垫片
连接形式 法兰、焊接、螺纹
流量特性 快开特性
可调范围 DN15-65 DN80-300
250:1 350:1
适用温度 密封面
PTFE≤150℃、 RTFE≤180℃ 、PPL≤300℃、 硬密封≤450℃
配置执行机构 可配GT、AT、AR、AW系列单双作用气动执行器
控制方式 开关两位控制、4-20mA模拟量控制

气动调节球阀 调节气动球阀 气动调节球阀 执行器参数

执行器型号 GT、AT、AR、AW系列单双作用气动执行器
供气压力 0.4~0.7MPa
气源接口 G1/4"、G1/8"、G3/8"、G1/2"
环境温度 -30~+70℃

双作用执行机构:气关式(B)--失气时阀位保持(FL);气开式(K)-- 失气时阀位保持(FL)

气动调节球阀 调节气动球阀 气动调节球阀 性能规范

试验标准 公称压力(Mpa) 压力级(class) JIS(Mpa)
试验压力(Mpa) 1.6 2.5 4.0 6.4 10.0 150 300 600 10K 20K
强度试验 2.4 3.8 6.0 9.6 15.0 3.1 7.8 15.3 2.4 3.8
密封试验 1.8 2.8 4.4 7.0 11.0 2.2 5.6 11.2 1.5 2.8
气密试验 0.5~0.7

气动调节球阀 调节气动球阀 气动调节球阀批发 外形尺寸

公称通径DN(mm) 主要尺寸 法兰尺寸
PN1.6MPa PN2.5MPa
L H L1 D D1 D2 n-φd D D1 D2 n-φd
15 130 185 140 95 65 46 4-14 95 65 46 4-14
20 140 191 140 105 75 45 4-14 105 75 56 4-14
25 150 193 140 115 85 65 4-14 115 85 65 4-14
32 165 212 164 140 100 76 4-18 140 100 76 4-18
40 180 217 164 150 110 84 4-18 150 110 84 4-18
50 200 260 190 165 125 99 4-18 165 125 99 4-18
65 220 293 210 185 145 118 4-18 185 145 118 8-18
80 250 323 247 200 160 132 8-18 200 160 132 8-18
100 280 382 276 220 180 156 8-18 235 190 156 8-22
125 320 468 348 250 210 184 8-18 270 220 184 8-26
150 360 510 378 285 240 211 8-22 300 250 211 8-26
200 400 655 524 340 295 266 12-22 360 310 274 12-26
250 630 / / 405 355 319 12-26 425 370 330 12-30
300 750 / / 460 410 370 12-26 485 430 389 16-30

气动调节球阀 调节气动球阀 气动调节球阀 制造标准

设计与制造 GB12237-89、API608、API 6D、JPI 7S-48、BS5351、DIN3357
法兰尺寸 JB/T74~90、GB9112~9131、HGJ44~76、SH3406、ANSI B16.5、JIS B2212~2214、DIN2543
结构长度 GB12221-89、ANSI B16.10、JIS B2002、NF E29-305、DIN3202
检验与试验 JB/T 9092、API 598、GB/T13927


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