

参考价 面议
  • 公司名称北京协诚星测科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       号MS800
  • 所  在  地北京市
  • 厂商性质经销商
  • 更新时间2022/2/10 18:05:54
  • 访问次数511
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先后成功研制了飞行轨迹测量系统、机载GPS定位和数据采集系统、GPS定位定向设备等。我们的团队是由*专家和高级工程师组成的专业团队, 公司主要有工程部和销售部两个部门,分别负责产品研发生产和市场推广。



协诚星测 诚信为本

The Colibrys MS8000 accelerometer has been designed and developed by Colibrys mainly to respond to
inertial and tilt sensing requirements even if in some cases, it can also be used for vibration sensing.
问鼎网络地猫王售卖方法 产品信息

The Colibrys MS8000 accelerometer has been designed and developed by Colibrys mainly to respond to
inertial and tilt sensing requirements even if in some cases, it can also be used for vibration sensing.
I t is largely used where advanced specification are required (Instrumentation), under harsh environments (MilAerospace and Geophysics), and for a wide range of general applications (Industrial, Transportation or Civilian). The main advantages of this motion sensor are the long term bias stability, the low and qualified vibration rectification error, the low temperature coefficient even without compensation and the low power.
This product has passed extensive qualifications and is successfully incorporated in IMU or AHRS for
MilAerospace and Land Navigation applications where reliability and long term compliance to specifications are

Full scale range ± 2g ± 10g

Product description

The MS8000 product is a MEMS capacitive accelerometer based on a bulk micro-machined silicon element,
a low power ASIC for signal conditioning, a micro-controller for storage of compensation values and
a temperature sensor (Fig. 1). The MS8000 is operating from a single power supply voltage (between 2.5V
and 5.5V) with a low current consumption (<0.5mA at 5V). The output is a ratiometric analog voltage that
varies between 0.5V and 4.5V for the full-scale acceleration range at a voltage supply of 5V. The sensor
is fully self-contained and packaged in a 48-pin LCC ceramic housing, thus insuring a full hermeticity.
It operates over a temperature range of –55°C to 125°C and can withstand shocks up to 6000g without
performance degradation. Long-term stability of bias and scale factor are typically less than 0.1% of
full-scale range. For the ±2g version (MS8002.D), bias temperature coefficient is typically 100 μg/°C
and scale factor temperature coefficient 100 ppm/°C without external compensation± 30g ± 100g



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