

参考价 面议
  • 公司名称鄂州市德标机械有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       号PS20-A-B-C
  • 所  在  地鄂州市
  • 厂商性质生产厂家
  • 更新时间2019/7/29 18:10:57
  • 访问次数243
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  • 双组份液态硅胶注塑机(小型)PS20-A-B-C-PM
  • 种类:硅胶注塑机 品牌:德标 型号:PS20-A-B-C-PM
  • 设备详细参数:
  • 混合方式:静态混合器
  • 原料粘度:10000POISE
  • A.B泵往复理论排量:82CC
  • zui高空气输入压力:8kg/cm2
  • 原料供应方式:20kg桶装
  • 耗气量:0.15立方米/分
  • 外形尺寸:880*480*1920
  • 重量:280kg
  • zui高输出压力:250kg/cm2
  • 电源电压:    220V
  • 调色方式:可变比例,机械比例尺调色.

  • Two-component liquid silicone injection molding machine (small)PS20-A-B-C-PM
  • Type: silicone injection molding machine Brand: de biao Model:PS20-A-B-C-PM
  • Device parameters:
  • Mixed mode: static mixer
  • The viscosity of the raw material: 10000POISE
  • A.B 82CC: Theory of displacement reciprocating pump
  • The highest input air pressure: 8kg/cm -
  • The supply of raw materials: 20kg barrel
  • Gas consumption: 0.15 cubic meters / minute
  • Size: 880*480*1920
  • Weight: 280kg
  • The highest output pressure: - 250kg/cm
  • Supply voltage: 220V
  • Color: variable ratio, mechanical scale color.



  • 鄂 州市德标机械有限公司(前生鄂州市樊口塑料机械厂)创立于1994年,位于长江中游南部一鄂州,西接“九省通衢”的武汉,东连“矿冶之城”的黄石,北望黄 冈,南通咸宁,地理位置得天独厚,交通便利快捷,是鄂东南*专门从事设计,制造液态硅胶注射成型机械的生产厂家,我厂生产的各种机械,以优良品质,* 的结构,和真诚的服务,赢得客户的认可,产品行销遍及中国大陆,东南亚,中东等主要工业国家。
  • Ezhou Debiao Machinery Co. Ltd. (the former Ezhou Fankou Plastic Machinery Factory) was founded in 1994, is located in Ezhou south of the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, west of "nine provinces" Wuhan, East "and" the city of Huangshi, North Huanggang, Nantong, Xianning, unique geographical location, convenient transportation fast, is the only Southeast Hubei specializing in the design, manufacture of liquid silicone injection molding machine manufacturers, all kinds of mechanical production plant, with excellent quality, perfect structure, and sincere service, to win customer recognition, product marketing throughout the China mainland, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and other major industrial countries.
  • 公司生产LSR液体硅橡胶(矽胶)注射成型机,多年以来,得到客户热心支持与帮助,使我们集累了较为丰富的实践经验,不断完善技术与工艺,依需要量身订做、开发新品种。
  • The company production of LSR liquid silicone rubber (silicone) injection molding machine, over the years, customers get enthusiastic support and help, we accumulated abundant practical experience, and constantly improve the technology and process, according to the needs, tailored to develop new varieties.
  • 的性能、过硬的质量、稳定的价格。
  • Excellent performance, excellent quality, stable price.
  • 不断的发展,坚持诚信为本
  • The unceasing development, insist on honesty

  • 快速响应服务体系保障,让您无后顾之忧
  • Quick response service guarantee system, let you no worries
  • 设备到货一个月内,如果由于设备质量的原因造成客户不能正常生产,可以选择退货,我方退回货款;
  • 设备退还我方;三个月内客户对质量不满意的,可以要求换机,换机费用由我方承担;
  • The arrival of the equipment within a month, if due to the quality of the equipment caused by customers
  • can not normal production, we can choose to return, we return the purchase price;
  • Equipment returned to us
  • within three months; the customer is not satisfied with the quality, can require replacement, replacement costs borne by us;
  • 设备到货保修一年一年内如有不能沟通解决的问题,我方人员48小时内到达现场处理;
  • The arrival of the equipment within one year of the year, such as the phone can not communicate to solve
  • the problem, our personnel arrived at the scene within 48 hours;
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