
当前位置:万喜堂彩票>>英国欧陆自动化>>无纸记录仪>> 一级代理英国欧陆EUROTHERM数据采集单元无纸记录仪5000B


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更新时间:2022-05-03 18:07:15 浏览次数:2193次

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  • Parallel Sampling Without Compromise - 125ms on all Channels, all Groups 并行采样毫不妥协-1 25ms的所有通道,所有群体
  • High Noise RejectionIsolation 高噪声抑制和孤立
  • Designed for Network Use 专为网络使用
  • Live, Remote Data Viewing 生活,远程数据浏览
  • Multiple Batch Functionality 多批次功能
  • Time Synch 时间同步
Click HERE to download the 5000B Data Acquisition Unit Brochure (4.3MB). 点击 这里下载 的5000B数据采集样本股( 4.3MB ) 。
E57766TDHP E57766TDHP
5000B Flexible Secure Data Acquisition for Data that has &#118alue 5000B 灵活的安全数据采集数据, 118alue & #
Eurotherm Chessell''s latest data acquisition instrument, the 5000B, is designed for maximum security of datafor flexible functionality. 欧陆切斯尔的数据采集仪器, 5000B ,目的是zui大的安全性的数据和灵活的功能。 It has 13 Mbyte of non-volatile Flash memory for historical data storage with a loggingarchiving strategy that protects the data from loss or tampering. 它有13个显存的非挥发性快闪记忆体的历史数据存储与一家伐木和归档策略,保护数据免受损失或篡改。 Data is stored in a proprietary, binary formatwritten to the Flash at a configurable recording interval. 数据存储在一个专有的,二进制格式和书面的闪光在一个可配置的记录间隔。

Complete Data Management 完整的数据管理
The 5000B is provided complete with Bridge 5000Review software packages. 是的5000B提供了完整的大桥5000和审查软件包。 These enable the user to review loggedarchived process data remoy. 这使用户能够审查记录,并存档数据的远程进程。 Review software is an historical data analysis tool enabling review of recorded data while maintaining its integrity in the proprietary, binary format. 修改软件是一个历史数据分析工具,使审查的记录数据,同时保持其完整性的专有,二进制格式。 The Bridge 5000 package gives complete operationconfiguration of the 5000B instrument from you desk. 大桥5000包让完成作业和配置的5000B文书你办公桌。

5000B 5000B
Providing Industry Leading Funtionality 提供业界的Funtionality

As well as securityreliability, the 5000B offers a multitude of additional functionality. 以及安全性和可靠性,在5000B提供了众多的附加功能。 These additional features make a standard instrument best fit a specific process: Data can be groupeddisplayed as required; Events can be set to occur when a condition is met eg activate a relay on high alarm, start a timer on batch start or add a message to the display on a comms channel timeout; Maths functions can be performed,much more. 这些额外的功能使一个标准的工具某个特定的进程:数据可以归纳和展示的要求;活动可设定时发生的一个条件得到满足例如,激活接力高报警,计时器开始批量启动或添加讯息显示了通信通道超时;数学函数可以执行,以及更多。

Auditor Features 审计的特点
Auditor features on the 5000B have been specifically designed to protect data - providing comprehensive data securitytraceability. 审计功能的5000B经过特别设计,保护数据-提供全面的数据安全性和可追溯性。 These feature are designed for industries where data security is of utmost importance - from Pharmaceutical to Heat Treatment - Auditor Features keep valuablecritical data safe. 这些功能的设计行业的数据安全是极其重要的-从制药到热处理-审计员的特点使宝贵和重要数据的安全。

  • Secure Audit 安全审计
    Secure, embedded, time-stamped audit trail to record operator details, time, dateall actions taken. 安全,嵌入式,时间戳记的审计跟踪记录操作细节,时间,日期和采取的一切行动。
  • Electronic SigningAuthorizing 电子签署和批准
    Requires operator to re-enter user namepassword before an action is taken. 运营商需要重新输入用户名和密码之前采取行动。 Authorizing requires a second signature with correct security permissions. *需要第二次签字正确的安全权限。
  • Signed Operator Notes 签名运营商注
    Free form text notes added to the electronic data confirmed with user namepassword entry. 免费文字说明的形式添加到电子数据确认用户名和密码进入。
  • Password Ageing 密码老龄化问题
    Automatic password expiry after a configurable length of time. 自动密码期满后,可配置的时间长度。
  • Failed Login Account Disabling 无法登录帐户停用
    User account disabled after 3 failed login attempts. 禁用用户帐户后3失败的登录尝试。
  • Minimum Length Password zui低长度的密码
    From 1 to 20 alphanumeric characters. 从1到20个字母数字字符。
  • Timed Logout 定时注销
    Operators will be automatically logged out. 运营商将被自动登出。
  • Recorded Logins 记录登录
    Record operator user Id, timedate of login. 记录操作的用户ID ,时间和日期的登录。

Input Channels 输入通道
Relay Outputs 继电器输出
Ethernet 以太网
File Transfer Protocol 文件传输协议
Batch 5000 5000批次
Screen Builder 屏幕上生成
Auditor Features 审计的特点
Maths Totalizers & Counters 数学Totalizers &计数器
Timers 定时器
Serial Comms 串行通讯
6 or 12 6或12条
1 to 7 1至7
Standard 标准
Standard Client & Server 标准客户端和服务器
Available 可用的
Available (6 Screens) 可用( 6屏)
Available 可用的
Up to 36 多达36
12 Available 12日可用
RS232 or RS485 RS232接口或











