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The SPECTRAN XFR V5 PRO is a portable Real-Time Spectrum Anaylzer, designed to capture even shortest signal transmissions. It´s scanning speed and recording time is without competition, the Analyzer scans 20GHz in less than 10mS making it World´s fastest Countersuveillance Receiver.

SPECTRAN XFR V5 PRO 是一款便携式户外实时频谱分析仪,专为捕获zui短信号传送而设计,扫描速度超快,录制时长*,能在小于10mS扫描20GHz,这是世界上zui快的反监视接收

The easy to use software is suited for detecting unknown or illegal transmissions across a wide frequency range. With an unlimited recording time (needs only 4GB hard disk space per minute) the XFR V5 PRO allows to store several hours of real-time data.Once recorded the entire measurement data can be re-loaded into the software. The optional I/Q Generator allows to generate the recorded signals 1:1

这款软件非常适合探测通过宽频传输的未知或非法传输的信号,*录制,(每小时需要4GB的硬盘空间)还能保存几个小时的实时数据,一旦记录了整个测量数据,可以重新加载到软件中。可选的I / Q信号发生器可以发射1:1的记录信号。安诺尼频谱监测接收机

Several helpful features allow a deep investigation of the Real-Time measurement or recorded data , e.g.a 3D Spectrogram view which displays a signal like newer seen before.


With this Spectrum Analyzer you can master all the challenges. It provides a powerful, extremely impact resistant Outdoor notebook and a high-end spectrum analyzer in one compact device. The XFR V5 PRO has been independently tested in accordance with MIL-STD-810G, IP65 and MIL-STD-461F.

拥有这款频谱分析仪你突破所有的挑战,它将功能强大、极耐碰撞的户外笔记本和的频谱分析仪结合在一个设备里,XFR V5 Pro已通过MIL-STD-810G和mil-std-461f IP65的标准测试。

RF measurement at the highest level zui高水准的RF测量

The XFR offers a huge variety of helpful functions for spectrum analysis XFR是一款大型多功能的频谱分析仪 安诺尼频谱监测接收机

u Various trigger function and unlimited number of markers 各种触发功能和无限数量的标记

u Different views: Spectrum / persistence Spectrum, Spectrogram /Waterfall, 3D Waterfall, Histogram 不同的视图:频谱、3D瀑布图、实时直方图等

u Multi Window feature supports several views at    the same time, e.g.Spectrum & Waterfall & Histogram at once 多窗口功能同时支持多个视图,例如频谱图、瀑布图和直方图

u Comfortable reference level and color settings 参考电平和线条颜色设置

u Reporting and recording function 报告和记录功能

u Storage of personal sessions 个人会话存储

u Unlimited storage of measurements, hard disk can be expanded up to 8TB for gapless     recording of up to 8 hours 硬盘可以扩展到8TB,长达8小时无间断记录

u and much more...

Unmatched Performance*大功能

The powerful and ultra-stable Spectrum Analyzer is the first outdoor Spectrum Analyser with an In@ i7 processor with 8GB RAM, full HD multi touch-screen, integrated GPS and ultra-low noise level up to -170dBm(Hz) DANL. The XFR V5 PRO is rugged and powerful at the same time.


u The thermal management system enables compliance with military standards for extreme temperatures. Simultaneously, the XFR V5 PRO offers industry-leading performance, thanks to the very latest In@i7 processors.

热管理系统能符合军事标准的温度。XFR V5 Pro搭载英特尔i7处理器,具备行业*的性能。

u The Turbo Boost feature increases the processor frequency to the active cores dynamically up to 3.33 GHz, and thus, the performance increase required for timely reaction to critical measurement data.

Turbo Boost技术使处理器频率的活性核的动态增加高达3.33 GHz的性能,因此提高了临界测量数据的及时反应。

u With two USB 3.0 super-speed ports, two USB 2.0, a USB2.0/eSATA-combi-connector, two serial ports, two Ethernet ports and a VGA port - among other connections - offers the XFR V5 a variety of interfaces to connect to the desired peripheral.

2个USB 3.0高速接口,2个USB 2.0,一个USB2.0/eSATA-组合接口,两个串行端口,两个以太网端口和一个VGA端口,保证XFR V5适用各种接口。

Scope of delivery标准配置

The XFR comes including an extensive scope of delivery, depending on the necessity of the user the delivery can be extended to various additional products (see "Accessories" on Page 9).


u SPECTRAN XFR V5 PRO incl. Option 020 (internal 20dB preamp)

SPECTRAN XFR V5 PPO包括.选件020(内置20dB前置放大器)

u OmniLOG 90200 omnidirectional antenna (700MHz to 2,5GHz)

       OmniLOG 90200 全向天线(700MHz-2.5GHz)

u Pre-installed Spectrum Analysis Software RTSA Suite and MCS

预装频谱分析软件RTSA Suite和MCS

u Rechargeable 8700mAh battery (installed, second hot-swap battery as option available)


u Battery charger / power supply (optional car charger available)电源充电器

u English manual (on CD)英语操作手册


World´s fastest Real-Time Analyzer Software


Aaronia´s real-time Software "RTSA Suite" offers powerful analysis features. An intuitive layout combined with useful display options helps to identify, capture, demodulate and track signals up to 20GHz.Simply connect the V5 via USB to a suitable PC/Laptop and enjoy the advantages of the RTSA Suite.

实时软件“RTSA Suite”,提供强大的分析功能,直观的结合显示选项利于识别,捕获和跟踪信号,解调信号,频率高达到20GHz,只需通过USB就可连接到电脑上。

u High-resolution persistence spectrum display of the current sweep, Average, Min / Max, peak, RMS, etc.高分辨率的频谱显示当前扫描 平均 zui小 / zui大值 峰值 ,RMS等

u Marker function with unlimited number of different markers (min, max, delta, AVG, OBW..)不限数量的不同标记功能(min、max、delta、AVG、OBW等)

u Intuitive drag and drop zoom, shortkeys etc.直观的拖放窗口,快捷键等

u The RTSA Software displays several views at once (Spectrum, 3D Waterfall, Histogram, etc.) RTSA软件可同时显示多个窗口(频谱、3D瀑布图、实时直方图等)。

u The window size can be adjusted freely, therefore a full utilization of e.g. FULL HD or 4K displays is possible窗口的大小可以自由调节,充分利用全高清或4K显示器。

u Spectrogram / Waterfall View for the identification of frequency hops, measurements of pulse rate, analysis of time variant spectra and the tuning of a VCO 频谱图/瀑布视图可识别测量跳频信号、脉冲率测量、频谱和VCO谐调随时间变化的分析。











