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LNGCNG分析仪器 天燃气分析 热值检测 。依据天然气组分及其热值的国标,上海传昊新方案,依据面积归一法,测定天然气中的甲烷、乙烷、丙烷、丁烷等含量,依据经验,还可以同时测量天然气中的二氧化碳和氮气,使得天然气中的组分更加完整。万喜堂彩票 LNGCNG分析仪器电脑一体机 天燃气分析。
LNGCNG分析仪器 天燃气分析 热值检测
GS-300 natural gas calorific value analyzer (computer integrated machine)
product advantage:
1.GS-300 natural gas calorific value analyzer (computer integrated machine) is developed by Shanghai Chuan Hao independently designed and produced by the new special gas chromatograph. It is suitable for the analysis of natural gas and the determination of the calorific value. It is one of the few enterprises and products to measure the calorific value of natural gas in China. It is the first class product of natural gas calorific value analysis in China.
2., the instrument will make significant innovations in chromatograph, and make use of the new design to integrate the conventional hydrogen generator, chromatographic workstation and chromatograph host, improving the integration of electronic circuits, making the instrument smaller and more precise. Coupled with a reliable and good gas circuit and circuit, the machine is turned into a high end of a new type of gas calorific value special type with a new chromatograph with industrial computers. Stable valve control gas circuit, highly integrated circuit control, coupled with its own research and development of calorific value software, has created a brand new China core and completed the transformation made in China to China. It is the leading manufacturer of chromatograph in China.
LNGCNG分析仪器 天燃气分析 热值检测
3. simple machine operation is simple, stable, reliable, starting and stable time is short, breakthrough the shortcomings of the traditional chromatograph waiting time long. It can automatically memorize the operating parameters and do not need to reset the machine. With gas protection system, prevent the misoperation caused by the damage of the instrument. The gas path is modified, and the system adopts a high-precision valve structure, which improves the stability of the gas speed of the instrument, resulting in a good reproducible analysis result, which eliminates the trouble that users want to modify parameters.
4. the content of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, methane, ethane, propane, isobutane, n-butane, isopentane and n-pentane in natural gas can be analyzed. It can also accuray calculate the heat value of natural gas, white number, density and so on through the content of each component. 5. Shanghai Hao, I believe the strength of the brand, this will be your best choice in the selection of natural gas analyzer, now the company has formed a company direct sales and dealer agent sales model, in Hebei, Tianjin, Shanghai, Baoding, Shijiazhuang, Tangshan and the northwest of the multi area marketing strategy. The huge agent scale and the perfect after-sales service system are prerequisites for the high-end industry. I believe you will feel more comfortable with the "Chuan Hao" instrument, because we only know you best.
LNGCNG分析仪器 天燃气分析 热值检测
天然气 系古生物遗骸长期沉积 地下 ,经慢慢转化及变质裂解而产生之 气态 碳氢化合物,具 可燃性 ,多在油田开采 原油 时伴随而出。
天然气蕴藏在地下约3000— 4000米之多孔隙岩层中,主要成分为 甲烷 ,比重0.65,比空气轻,具有无色、无味、无毒之特性, 天然气公司皆遵照政府规定添加臭剂,以资用户嗅辨。
依天然气蕴藏状态,又分为构造性天然气、水溶性天然气、 煤矿 天然气等三种。而构造性天然气又可分为伴随原油出产的湿性天然气、与不含液体成份的干性天然气。
气温愈低, 饱和水 气压 就愈小。所以对于含有一定量 水汽 的 空气 ,在气压不变的情况下降低温度,使饱和水汽 压降 至与当时实际的 水汽压 相等时的温度,称为露点。
而在温度一定的情况下,开始从 气相 中分离出*批 液滴 的压力,或在压力一定的情况下,开始从气相中分离出*批液滴的温度,就叫做水露点。
天然气水 露点温度 指天然气在 水汽含量 和气压都不改变的条件下,冷却到饱和时的温度。是用来测 湿度 的 参数 。露点温度越低,空气的干燥程度越高。
露点是指在该 环境温度 和相对湿度的条件下, 物体 表面 刚刚开始发生 结露 的温度,该温度即为该环境条件下的露点.
万喜堂彩票 LNGCNG分析仪器电脑一体机 天燃气分析万喜堂彩票 LNGCNG分析仪器电脑一体机 天燃气分析
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