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  • 公司名称河南明洋实业有限公司
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  • 更新时间2019/2/1 18:47:19
  • 访问次数285

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产品名称:玩苹果游戏的模拟器 产品品牌: 报价:
玩苹果游戏的模拟器 产品信息
LT216B振动压路机LT216B Mechanical Single Drive Single Wheel vibratory rollerLT216B属重型振动压路机,具有强大的激振力及很高的静线压力,适宜于碾压非粘性材料如砾石、砾土、碎石、砂石混合料和岩石填方以及半粘土等。主要用于高等公路、矿山、大坝、机场、港口、铁路、工业场地等大型基础工程的压实。LT216BHeavy duty vibratory rollers effect powerful centrifugal force and great static linear load, They are suitable for non-cohesive materials, such as candy soil, gravel, crushed stones, rock fillings and slightly cohesive soils, designed for large foundation constructions such as high-class highways, mines , dams , airports, harbors, railways and industrial areas etc.主要特点 Main Features▲机械行走、液压振动、双振幅、液压转向,具有可靠的性能和*的功能/价格比;▲发动机采用可靠的D6114和YC6108系列柴油机,使用维修非常方便;▲手刹车和脚刹车两套制动装置,保证机器的安全性和可靠性。▲司机室宽敞舒适,采用优质橡胶元件减振;▲液压振动技术采用*技术,可靠性高、维护简单、方便、费用低。▲Mechanical travel drive, double amplitude, hydraulic vibration and steering with optimal function/price ratio and reliable performance.▲Reliable D6114 and YC6108 diesel engine for convenient operation and maintenance.▲Two sets of brake devices, a hand brake and foot pedal brake, assure the machine’s safety and dependability.▲Spacious and comfortable cab mounted on top quality rubber damping elements.▲World advanced technology is adopted for the hydraulic vibration technology, high in reliability, simple and convenient in maintenance, and low in cost.主要技术参数main technical parameters:型号MODELLT216B工作质量Operating massKg16000静线载荷Static linear load N/cm378振幅Vibrating amplitudeMm2.0/1.0振动频率Vibrating frequencyHz30激振力Centrifugal force KN320/180行走速度Travel speed一速1st gear2.0二速2nd gear4.0三速3rd gear 10.5爬坡能力Grade ability %35转向角度Turning angle°35转弯半径Turning radius mm7000柴油机转速Diesel spedr/min2000电气电压Electrical voltageV24zui小离地间隙Ground clearancemm432振动轮宽度Vibration round widthmm2100振动轮直径Drum diametermm1600振动轮圈厚度Drum rim thicknessmm32轴距Wheelbasemm3160柴油机型号Diesel model YC6108ZG燃油机功率Diesel powerKw105燃油箱容量Fuel tank capacityL180液压油箱容量Hydraulic tank capacityL150
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